ch 3

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They were eating....

Jk- do you have any problem in controlling your pee?

Lexi- uh y-yeah, I don't have the bladder power. (Shy)

Jk- it's okay, but have you ever consulted a Gyanecologist?

Lexi- N-no... I wasn't allowed.

Jk- wait let me call my sister she can see you.

After the breakfast. Jk told Lexi everything n showed her room. They both were in lexi's room.

Jk- Can you show me your wounds?

Lexi- b-but they cover my whole body...

Jk- pls? I can do some medication or it'll be infected badly.

Lexi- o-okay...


She started removing her clothes. She let her inners stay on. I was shocked. Her scars are fresh. Like she had so many scars and those scars were scratched again and again. I felt so angry and sad. I don't know why she reminds me of someone very special.

Jk- I-is this wh-what you were handling f-from y-years?

Lexi- hmm...

There was a knock on the door and a soft voice came...

?- Jungkook?

Jk- come in....

Lexi- w-what ahhh, let me cover..... (Panicked)

Jk- hey relax it's my sister I told you about! Meet her, she's Soyeon. (Caressing her hair)

Soyeon- hey child! I'm Soyeon and you?

Lexi- I-Im lexi...

Soyeon- I'm here to check you so it's better if u don't cover up. Jk told me about you.

Lexi- oh Ig I need to show you everything and tell you also?

Soyeon- you're smart. Take off ur inners too... (Sitting beside her)

Lexi looked at me. I think she is not comfortable being like this infront of me.

Jk- wait I'll go. (I left)

Soyeon- let me help you. (Helped her to remove her clothes)

Soyeon- is it your time of month?

Lexi- N-no but it bleeds alot from other part, that's y I was wearing a pad.

Soyeon- oh, show me where. N tell me everything okay? Don't be scared of me hmm? I'm ur sister okay?

Lexi- y-yea unnie. (Smile)

Soyeon- cute!

After check up.

Soyeon- I've done the possible dressing. But be careful okay?

Lexi- y-yea...

Soyeon- hey, kid it's bleeding again.

Lexi- uh maybe that time of month cause today is my date.

Soyeon- hmm, then go change.

Lexi- but I don't have anything. Not even clothes.

Soyeon- I've an extra pair of clothes with me. (Give her clothes) here- go change.

Lexi- b-but-

Soyeon- cup?

Lexi- y-yea... But Idk how to use it.

Soyeon- huh you must have used it before?

Lexi- my dad n mom never gote anything so I just used tissue.. and in school my friend would give me tampon.

Soyeon- but I really don't have tampon sorry. N Ik in this house nothing would be there. Uh let me tell you how to use the cup, okay?

Lexi- 🆗

(After explaination)

Lexi- I'm scared to get it inside me.

Soyeon- should I help?

Lexi- N-no I'll try...

Lexi POV

I came in the washroom. But I'm still scared.

It's been 15 mins but I'm so scared....

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