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♥️ 146,789 Likes Y/nSwift13: "Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain"

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Y/nSwift13: "Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain"

Swiftie13: umm the caption? Speak Now TV?? Hold up?

JoshReynolds: Right after this picture was taken @Y/nSwift13 slipped and fell...Most entertaining thing ever..
Y/nSwift13: @JoshReynolds HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF THIS! I am hurt...
BenjaminLautner: @JoshReynolds stop making fun of my girl.

Can'tspellcatswithoutTS: Anyone else love how Josh and Y/n act like brother and sister? They just straight up bully each other...
SwiftieGirl: Right?? So funny

It'sBecky13: Are we skipping over that fact that @BenjaminLautner called @Y/nSwift13 his girl?!?!?
Y/nSwift13 liked this comment

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