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Y/nSwift13 was tagged in a post made by TaylorSwift13

Y/nSwift13 was tagged in a post made by TaylorSwift13

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13.8 million ❤️

TaylorSwift13: Throwback Thursday to this picture of my beautiful baby girl and I! I love you so much baby and am so proud of you! ❤️💕

Y/nSwift13: 😭😭 I am in the middle of Walmart don't make me cry in public!!

SelenaGomez: Awww😭 She used to be so little!

AbigailLauren: 😭😭😭 Why have you grown up?

JamesHunt: She's grown so much 😢😭

Kilatrav: This is such a cute picture!

BenjaminLautner: Cutie!

BettyxAugust: That is so cute! 🥲

JessicaKelce: 💕💕💕

YourGirlTate: This is so cute 😭

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