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Y/nSwift13: I guess y'all know what this means...I'm packing up to move away for college 😭😭😭 I'm being married off to my education. BUT! It's okay cuz I will get to visit all my friends and they will visit me! Ready for the next stage of life!

TaylorSwift13: 😭My baby is moving away from me

KillaTrav: We are gonna miss you girlie 

JamesHunt: Gonna miss my little storm chaser

SelenaGomez: 😭😭😭

BenjaminLautner: 😢😢 I'm gonna miss you so much

LucasParrilla: This is such a sad day 😢

JessicaKelce: I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO NOT TALK ABOUT THIS?!?!?! Why are YOU posting about this?!?!

YourGirlTate: Not my best friend leaving me😭😭

EmmyGomez: ...

AbigailLauren: You are going to do incredible things! 😭

BettyxAugust: Why does school have to start again? ☹️☹️

Swiftie4life: ☹️😖😫

Evermore4life: This is so sad 😭

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