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Y/nSwift13 made a new post

Y/nSwift13 made a new post

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Y/nSwift13: Happy Birthday to the most amazing dad! 🎉🎉 You've been my rock, my guide, and my biggest cheerleader (next to mom of course) through everything. I'm so grateful of your endless love, wisdom, and all of the fun times we've shared! Here's to celebrating you today and always! Love you to the moon, around the sun, and back again! ❤️❤️

JamesHunt: Thank you so much @Y/nSwift13, this is the sweetest message! I love you so much and am so proud of you!

TaylorSwift13: Happy Birthday James!! 🎉

BenjaminLautner: Happy Birthday 🎉

Can'tspellcatswithoutTs: Awww baby Y/n! Cuties!!

Swifties4life: That is the sweetest caption ever!! 😭

YourGirlTate: Happy Birthday Uncle James!!

It'sBecky: Me and my daddy issues could never...But this is so sweet 😭

SelenaGomez: Happy Birthday James!

Kilatrav: Happy Birthday man!

BettyxAugust: Awwww Travis commenting on Y/n's Birthday post about her dad and he wished them happy birthday!!! That's amazing!

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