Thats not a very nice thing to say to daddy.

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If you're confused. SadieCake is Sadies Twitter and Sadie is the main girl in this story.

I laugh as Harry trips over his own feet. He frowns at my laughter. "You're so mean to me"He whines, his green eyes disappearing when he closed his eyes.

"Awh, you're adorable"I poke his side, causing him to laugh and sit on the bench. "I wish we didn't have to sneak around paps"He sighs, I nod fixing my over sized straw hat.

My phone dings, I motion for Harry to get it as I soak in the sun.

"From Ashton, hope sashton is real who's with me. Who's sashton??"Harry asks, I grab my phone. Ashton tweeted it, and it is now trending once again.

"Some guy, everyone wants me to date... I've never met him"I inform Harry, he chuckles. "I went on tour with Ashton I know him"

"Really? Oh, I heard of him for the first time yesterday. That's when this all started"

From: Ashton5sos
To: SadieCake
Still waiting on that number :((((

From: SadieCake
To: Ashton5sos
Well you're not getting it :))))

From: DaddyAsh
To: SadieCake
That's not a very nice thing to say to daddy.

From: SadieCake
To: DaddyAsh
Who's daddy??

From: Ashton5sos
To: SadieCake

I roll my eyes, gosh I hate this society with these daddy kinks and sexual innuendos. Although I do say a bunch of sexual things, it's better than boring people.

"Daddy"I mumbled, laughing to myself. Harry raised an eyebrow. "Are you calling me daddy??"He says, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Oh um...yes??"I nervously say, did he like being called daddy? What if it creeps him out? Daddy Harry, Daddy Ashton. Daddy Ashton sounds better, but I can't call Ashton daddy, it's very weird.

"I like it"
"Fuck this shit I'm done!"I throw the controller down. All I wanted was to beat Harry in Mario Kart, I can't even do that!

"Calm your self"He laughs, wrapping an arm around my waist. I roll my eyes and looking away at the wall, preventing myself from blushing at his touch.

"This is rigged"I pointed at the gaming console, which made him laugh more. I sigh giving up my madness, not really caring anymore.

I posted a selfie of me and Harry on Twitter and Instagram earlier. I captioned it: we cute.

It got retweets and favorites, but what intrigued me the most was Ashton's tweet. I think he was genuinely sad.

From: Ashton5sos
To SadieCake
:( #Sarry #nosashton I'll stop asking for your number.

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