goodbye koby!

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"farewell for now, devotee of mine."


"hey grassy, grassyyyyy."


zoro whipped his head as he finally got fed up with her constant attempts of gaining his attention.

[name] grinned like a cheshire cat, folding her arms behind her and swaying back and forth.

"when was the last time you took a bath?"

"....what do you think?! i've been tied up here for so long, don't ask me stupid shit!"

"hey grassy look at this trick, i can remove my thumb and put it back."

"are you gonna keep calling me that..? don't tell me you just forgot my name or something."

"of course not, how could i forget my precious follower's name?!"

"then tell me what my name is."


"that doesn't even start with a 'z' you moron!"

the two went back and forth with zoro mostly shouting as the last remaining braincells in his head got fried by the girl's most idiotic and random questions.

zoro believes that this is the gods' way of punishing him for not being faithful or something.

"luffy, finish that guy already. he's really starting to piss me off."

[name] groaned, yawning lazily as koby hid behind her after almost getting slashed by a soldier.

luffy merely replied with a short 'okay' and punched the hell out of morgan, knocking him down for a few seconds.

"why don't you just use your fruit powers at him or something?"

zoro asked, slashing a navy soldier away and sheathing his sword afterwards, seeing as nobody else is willing to attack him anymore either before or their injury or purely out of fear.

[name] gave him a look before grinning and holding up a piece sign.

"what the hell kind of response is that?"

"i believe it translates to "sorry, i'm feeling lazy" zoro-san."

koby sweat dropped, with zoro mirroring his expression.

"you understood what that meant...?"

[name] snickered and ruffled koby's hair, earning a bashful blush from the boy.

"anyways, luffy can handle that just fine. he's not even breaking a sweat. besides, if i use my ability too much, i'll lose control and none of you will probably like it."

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