a child?!

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filler chapter part 1: apis and grampa ryu!


warning: this is unedited, so i'm sorry for the mistakes! i will edit this when i have more free time!

"wooh! booze! more booze here please! and meat! more meat for my captain! yahahaha!"

if parties were loud, now it's louder with [name] around.

there isn't a single moment where the girl isn't shouting about her glory and how majestic she is. it's almost as if her humble conversation with nami never existed.

"sing for me, people of cocoyashi village! let us celebrate my victory! yahahaha!!!"

[name] shouted, flinging her arms around with her foot on the table while standing on her chair next to luffy who didn't seem to mind her behaviour.

"more meat! are there any more meat?!"

"uh, are you sure they're the people who saved us miss?"

"yeah, it may not seem like it but... they're the reason why we're free from arlong now."

nojiko smiled at the boy in front of her, watching as luffy and [name] celebrated with the villagers, singing dancing and eating to their heart's content.

noticing the blue haired girl sitting alone with the boy, [name] turned her attention to her and walked over, putting her plate and tankard down on a random table.


"oh, need anything [name]?"

nojiko smiled after chugging her drink down.

"actually, i am quite curious to know the reason why you're spending time alone here rather than partying with the rest of us."

[name] then offered her hand out to the girl.

"mind joining me for a dance?"


nojiko giggled, taking her hand and letting [name] lead her to the centre of the makeshift dance floor, swaying along to the music.

"thank you. you guys have done so much for us."

nojiko said to [name], hoping that the girl heard hear over all the noise around them.

[name] spun her around once before dipping her, hand on her hip and back to hold her steady.

"well... it would be cruel to let such wonderful people suffer under that bastard's reign, yes?"

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