marry me? (𝐈𝐈)

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"a bounty? for a god?"


"wahhh!!! luffy!!!"

her tough act of not caring what is happening behind her and not even sparing a single glance to the battle crumbled away when [name] finally acknowledged the fact that luffy is still not there .

[name] almost cried out a river from concern but she held herself back. yeah, she was pretty much doing a terrible job at hiding her worry in the first place but her little "i won't turn around because i trust him" motto broke the moment she realised that she couldn't sense luffy's presence within a 15 meter radius.

yes, she can sense his presence. no, she's not some kind of hound like a certain marimo said.

"big sis broke her own words."

"yeah, she turned around. does that mean she doesn't trust big bro luffy?"

"shut up you two and continue praying!"

yosaku and jhonny flinched and kneeled back down behind her, muttering prayers under their breath as if they're in the church or something.

"hold it."

[name]'s eyes widened and she glanced behind her to look at the newcomer, only to find nami standing there with a glare on her face, her injured arm now bandaged as she held her bo staff.

"oh? looks like the little traitor is here. mind telling me what you're here for, nami?"

arlong mocked the girl, not even bothered by her deadly stare.

"to kill you."

nami responded, and arlong's laughter boomed throughout the park, not taking her seriously at all.

"you never really learn, do you? how many times have you tried to kill me during the eight years you were with us? you tried assassination, poisoning, sneak attacks... were you able to kill me?"


[name] breathed out, watching as the girl came forward while clutching her bo staff tightly.

"you must be completely aware that you mere humans can't kill me. now, listen... i won't kill you and you can't escape me so nami... i'll have you be our surveyor forever!"

"bullshit! we're kicking your ass and freeing nami from your creepy ass!"

not being able to hold herself back from shouting, [name] clenched her hand with a growl and took a step forward, but was stopped by nami.

arlong brushed her off and continued.

"but as you know, i'm a good-willed man so if possible, i want you to be our surveyor on your own free will... do how about this? i will kill everyone here except for you. but if you happily come back to the arlong pirates and draw sea charts as one of the leaders, i won't mind letting those people of cocoyashi village live."

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