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5 years later

           "Auntie Nadia, why can't I hold the baby?" Six year-old Jaheim whined. He had been waiting months for the baby to arrive and now that it finally had, he was confused as to why he hadn't seen the new baby or held it yet.
           Nadia looked at her nephew, who at six years old had the chubbiest cheeks and biggest brown eyes. Although he often charmed her with his smooth brown face, he had been asking her about the baby ever since they'd arrived at the hospital- and that was almost five hours ago.
           "Because, your mom told me that you would get a special time with the new baby- just you and your brother or sister." Nadia said, looking around at the nurses station. She saw them as buzzing bees, constantly on the go as they tended to this patient or that one.
           Jaheim twisted his lips at what his auntie had said reluctantly nodded his head.
           "OK, Auntie." Jaheim said as he yawned. Nadia grabbed him and sat her in his lap, his head resting against her chest. She knew immediately that he must have been tired because ever since he turned four, he didn't want to be in anyone's lap anymore.so the fact that he was resting in her lap let her know that her nephew was indeed tired.
           Nadia smiled at his heavy breathing and kissed her nephews forehead. Hearing footsteps, she looked to the left and smiled seeing her husband walking towards her with two cups in his hands. Nadia gave him a once over and decided that after five years of marriage, Jalil still gave her butterflies.
           He sat down next to her before speaking. "How did you manage to get Jah to sleep?"
           Nadia looked at Jaheim's sleeping face. "I just let him wear me out with questions."
           Jalil laughed to himself. "That boy always has something to say. I can't move without him asking me why."
           Nadia put her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter.
           "Don't talk about my baby like that. He's just inquisitive." Nadia said rocking the sleeping boy.
           "Here you go- spoiling him again." Jalil joked causing Nadia to side eye him. It was no secret to their family that Nadia had taken to Jaheim ever since meeting him. As he grew older, her love for him grew and each time they were together, Jaheim was always a step behind his favorite auntie.
           Before she could reply, Nadia saw Reggie coming towards them with a smile on his face. He wore scrubs and although sweating, he seemed light as a feather with joy.
           "It's a girl!" Reggie said causing Nadia and Jalil to smile.
           "Congrats, bro." Jalil dapped up his brother in law. "How's my sister?" Jalil said standing up with Nadia following suit, Jaheim resting in her arms.

           "Aw man, she's great. She took it like a champ. She did 3 pushes and the baby came out." Reggie excitedly exclaimed. "Come on, Jacquie and the baby are all cleaned up."
           Jalil, Nadia, and sleeping Jaheim followed Reggie down the hall and into a room. A nurse was just finishing up with Jacquie and she smiled seeing the family enter. Excusing herself, she left the family alone as Nadia gently sat down and shook her nephew awake.
           "Jah, wake up baby boy. Your new sister is here." Nadia whispered to him.
           Rubbing his eyes and groaning, Jaheim simply moved his head to the other direction. Seconds later, his head popped up after he realized what his auntie had said.
           "Jah, you can come and hold your new baby sister." Jacquie called out weakly.
           Jaheim eagerly sat beside his mother and took the baby in his arms. Listening to his father coach him on how to hold the baby, he finally adjusted and smiled down at the sleeping bundle before him.
           "Hi, I'm your big brother Jaheim but everyone calls me Jah. I wanted a boy but you're a cute girl so I guess you'll have to do." Jahiem said causing everyone to laugh.
           After Jaheim held her, Jalil was next as Nadia sat beside him, peering down at her new niece.
           "Jacquie, what's her name?" Nadia asked, softly stroking the babies cheek.
           "It's Anisa Nadia Roberts." Jacquie said and Nadia's head snapped towards her.
           "Are you serious?" Nadia asked in disbelief.
           "Yes. When Reggie and I were talking about baby names, I knew that if it was a girl I wanted her to have your name. Because sister you are such a light." Jacquie told her sister- in – law. In the years since Nadia had married into the family, she and Jacquie had become like real sisters. Their bond was special to Nadia and now she knew just how special it was to Jacquie.
           Nadia wiped her tears away, feeling Jalil kiss her forehead. She intertwined her hand into his free one rested her head on his shoulder, looking down at Anisa.
           "Welcome to the world, Anisa Nadia Roberts." Nadia whispered to the baby.

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