Gold Rush

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In the eighties, In the heart of the  Amazon rainforest, deep within this remote wilderness, everyone had heard rumors about Illegal  Gold mining concealed within the depths

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In the eighties, In the heart of the  Amazon rainforest, deep within this remote wilderness, everyone had heard rumors about Illegal  Gold mining concealed within the depths.

 A Young Brazilian man named  Jose Vicente, everyone called him Vicente, Intrigued by the prospect of abundant riches, made the bold decision to become a pilot in this untamed land, and after a few years working as a Pilot, he bought his plane, a Cessna 210, he would earn lots of Gold by renting his plane to Prospectors

Prospectors well known as "Garimpeiros" used to bring Gold to the large cities in planes, and  it was a dangerous business for the pilots, cause there were a lot of criminals in those illegal  mining and you could even see former Colombian FARC members pretending to be a prospector, actually, they were watching the winner of the day,  who had found the most Gold nuggets,  and probably hijack a plane to jump( in a parachute) somewhere with someone's Gold

    March 121986
Vicente  was checking his plane early in the morning,  fully equipped and fueled, with lots of Gold nuggets in leather bags  from his clients,  while talking to someone.The weather was great, no rain, no clouds, it was a sunny day, so in  a  few minutes later he took off from the  small airstrip  heading to the nearest  bigger city, It was a Friday morning, a happy day, cause it was  his son's first birthday and he would  be back in a few hours to the party in the evening . So,as he soared above the dense canopy, he felt like a true explorer, a successful man, and a blessed father, he felt happiness while flying over that green beautiful vision.

 So,as he soared above the dense canopy, he felt like a true explorer, a successful man, and a blessed father, he felt happiness while flying over that green beautiful vision

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 However, fate had something unexpected in store for him. Just a few minutes into his flight, Vicente's airplane mysteriously disappeared, leaving authorities in a state of panic. It was feared that his plane had crashed somewhere within the vast and treacherous rainforest.

The search was made for many days, but unfortunately, the Cessna 210 wasn't found, the Amazon rainforest is bigger than some countries in Europe and there are tall trees everywhere, so the plane was hidden  and nobody would  find it.

    Abril,16 2006 

Twenty long years passed, and the memory of Jose Vicente  and his Cessna 210 began to fade. Life went on, and the rainforest kept its secrets hidden for so many years, until one fateful day, a skilled hunter and Peasant named Sebastiao found himself lost deep within the jungle, as he macheted his way through the dense undergrowth, he stumbled upon a clearing, and there amidst the large and towering trees, stood Vicente's small airplane, full of mud with the windshield broken. Sebastião couldn't believe his eyes – he had discovered an aircraft inside the jungle.


Curiosity consumed Sebastião as he cautiously approached the plane. He noticed that the equipment inside had been carefully protected from the rain with some plane parts, proof that Vicente was alive after the falling.

But what had become of the pilot himself? Sebastião searched the surrounding area, hoping to find some trace of the Pilot . Yet, there was no sign of him, he might have spent a few days close to the plane.

Speculation ran wild among the locals, each crafting their own theories about Vicente's fate, some believed he had fallen victim to the wrath of an enormous snake, while others thought he had been attacked by a fierce jaguar.

Speculation ran wild among the locals, each crafting their own theories about Vicente's fate, some believed he had fallen victim to the wrath of an enormous snake, while others thought he had been attacked by a fierce jaguar

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There were even whispers of a tribe of mysterious indigenous people who might have been responsible for his disappearance.

There were even whispers of a tribe of mysterious indigenous people who might have been responsible for his disappearance

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The truth of Vicente's fate remained a mystery, forever locked within the depths of the Amazon rainforest. His airplane stood as a silent tribute to his hard work, The tale of the lost pilot became a legend, captivating the imaginations of those who heard it. The story of Vicente's disappearance became a symbol of the untamed wilderness that lay within the Amazon rainforest, reminding people of the dangers and mysteries that awaited those who dared to venture into its depths. This tale inspired countless explorers and adventurers to embark on their own quests, seeking to uncover the secrets that the rainforest held.

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