1. I am sorry Billy

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Tw: 😭🤬

Y/n's pov

From the horizon i could see Nancy and Johnathan with the rest of the kids.
We ran towards them.

" Wow that El girl just saved our lives."
I said whispering in Robins ear. " Yeah." She said out of breath.

I looked around, there he was my boyfriend, Max's brother. Billy.
He had tears in his eyes and bruises all over his arms. We looked eyes.

I looked around the mall was on fire.

I started walking over to him slowly as tears was forming in my eyes.

" Billy."
I whispered in tears as i stopped beside him.
He stepped closer to me and gave me a hug before stepping back again. The hug was loving and the longest we've ever shared.
" I love you." He said walking away a little.

This mindflayer came walking towards him.
He looked back at me as he mouthed.
" I love you." again.

The words that will be stuck in my mind forever.

The mindflayer  grabbed Billy.
" Billy!" Max screamed. He screamed in pain and the monster vanished.

Billy fell straight to the floor. I ran over to him sitting down next to him putting his head in my lap. " I love you too."
I said looking him in the eyes. He looked at mine, there was blood running down from his mouth as he cried in pain. He grabbed my shirt hiding his face in my stomach.
He let go looking at me.
He tried saying something but his pain stopped him. " It's okay." I said kissing his forehead.
" I'm sorry." He said.

His breathing was getting slower and his eyes were full of tears. " I love you."
I said crying harder.
His breathing stopped, my tears fell onto his lifeless face.
" No Billy, no, please." I whispered as i tried shaking him awake.

I knew it wouldn't help but i had to try.
" Billy!" I screamed.
Steve ran over to me and pulled me away.

I looked at Billy's lifeless body, his tank top that used to once be white was now full of blood. His hair ruffled and his eyes full of tears. Bruises and blood all over his body.

He used to be mine but now he was gone forever.

Steve picked me up before he started walking outside.  The rest followed.

I dug my atms into his shirt trying to not cry to loud.

When we got outside their were ambulances and firetrucks everywhere.
I could see mom there somewhere in the middle of the ambulances.

mom ran straight towards us as she spotted us.
"Mom." Will said running towards her. Johnathan went after him.
Steve was still holding me as i cried.

He sat down on the ground with me still in his hands. He put me on his lap.
" It's okay." He said looking at me.
I just dug my face in his chest.

" Y/n look at me." He said. I looked at him.
" It's going to be okay." He said.
I shook my head. "No, No, No." I repeated.

He grabbed my face before kissing me passionately. I kissed back. I knew he was just doing this to make me shut up, he's my ex he used to do this to shut me up.

I could hear my mom talking to Jonathan and Will as they walked over to us.
I pulled away looking at Steve who had a
slight smile on his face, because he still could shut me up.

" Omg hunny are you okay?"
Mom asked kneeling in front of us.
I just shook my head.
" Oh steve look at that eye." She said.

The ambulance people gave us each a blanket before cleaning us up.

Me and Steve had to share one because we were sitting together so close...

Me and Steve was sitting next to each other in one of the ambulances as mom was talking to El.

" You okay." I asked looking at him. " Yeah."
He said looking at me as he fixed his hair.
" You?" He asked.
" A little better." I said. He nodded.

" Hey Steve? You think you can stay at my place tonight?" I asked looking at him.
He nodded as he put his hand around my shoulder and kissing the top of my head, before putting his head onto mine.

Mom came walking over to us.
" Y/n want to tell me what happened?"
She asked.
I told her everything considering she knew about the mindflayer and the upsidedown.
" And- a, and Billy died."
I said crying as i looked at her.
She hugged me tight. " I am so sorry hunny." She said as she pulled away from the hug.

" Mom, can Steve stay over tonight?" I asked.
" Sure." She said patting his shoulder before walking away to Will.

After a few hours with questions from the fire department and ambulance people, and making up a story about the mall burning down we were all allowed to go home.

El came with us because unfortunately Hopper didn't make it.

As soon as we got home we we sat down at the kitchen table drinking hot chocolate.
We all sat there in silence.
After that me and Steve got ready for bed.

We both got in the shower cleaning up all the blod and changing into pj's after.
His was just one of his old pj pants i had kept from when we were still together.
Mine was my bra and a pair of pj pants.

We laid down in bed next to each other.
I cuddled up to his bare chest.
" Since when did you get hair on your chest?" I asked looking up at him.
" You like it?" He asked as he pulled me on top of him wrapping his hands around my waist.
" I love it." I said.

Without thinking i kissing him, he kissed me back patiently.
I pulled away as i looked at him smiling.
He smiled back.

He fell asleep a while later.

But i couldn't stop thinking of Billy.

His shirt that he never buttoned up fully, his blue car, his smile, his green eyes, his beautiful hair, his huggs and kisses.

Fuck i miss Billy so so much. I should have been the one who died, it should have been me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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