chapter 8

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I was in pure shock. How was this real?

It started with Travis harassing us for about 3 years, to us becoming friends, to him temporarily living at my house, and now...


To be honest, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind for the future. Sure, I've begun to gain a small crush on him as well, but I had no idea he felt the same way. Well, small was actually an understatement.

Fuck. Why am I just standing here? Travis just stormed out almost a full minute ago!

I snapped out of my thoughts as quickly as I could, rushing towards the bathroom and knocking on the door. God, he better be okay in there...

"Travis? Please man, you gotta let me in... don't be afraid." I tried my best to comfort him, still slightly blushing from the earlier incident.

I hear muffled sniffling from the other side of the bathroom door, making me feel even worse for Travis. He was crying.

Lisa placed the pancakes on the table with a glass bottle of maple syrup, slowly shooting Larry a quick smile of reassurance as she walked into the other room.

"Cmon Travis, please let me in... I'm not going to make fun of you or anything, I promise," I say, waiting for a response.

"Trust me, you don't wanna come in... why the hell do you care so goddamn much? Just forget everything I ever said," he argues, his voice cracking between words—likely from his tears.

"But I do want to come in!" I protest, hoping to god that he'll unlock the door.

Travis likes me. He likes me in the way that I like him, and now it seems like I don't. Why am I so bad at comforting? I can do 10 times better than this. What am I even doing?

Before I can process it, I hear a click on the other side of the door as he slowly opens it. He grabs my shirt in his fist, pulling me inside as he shuts it again.

"Ah—Travis?" I question him. That's kinda weird. Just a second ago he was refusing to open the door, and now he forcefully pulled me in here with him. I look at Travis, his eyes all teary and red.

Poor dude... his entire life, he's been abused both physically and emotionally by his own father. How could anyone be so shitty? He forced this fixed mindset on his own son, and now he's ashamed to be gay. Travis isn't homophobic—not one bit. In fact, he's gay himself.

"I-I'm sorry. You really weren't supposed to hear any of that. I thought you were a heavy sleeper..." Travis mumbled, fiddling with his fingers and biting his top lip. He must be holding tears in.

"Hey, y'know, it's just me. You don't have to force yourself to be happy when you're not, cry if you need to," I reassured, a slight smile appearing on my face.

"Can I hug you?"


I lean towards Travis and slip my arms under his, my hands wrapped around him.

I feel him hesitantly hug back, his hands shaky and unstable. Damn, I really do hope he's okay. I know he's been tormenting my friends and I for as long as I can remember, but everyone deserves a second chance.

"Travis... I think—goddammit," I manage to stutter out, but it's hard to get the point across when we're like this. Travis is like an angel.

My heart is beating like crazy.

I can tell I'm sweaty.

I'm blushing...

I step back—only to lean back in for more. Before I know it, my lips are on Travis's. We're kissing. Holy shit. There's no way this is real... I've dreamed about this for so long.

Without thinking, I push him against the counter of the sink. My hands are on either side of his thighs, trapping him against his will.

Hold on... is he even okay with this?

I pull back from the kiss, gazing into crystalline blue eyes. He looks like a nervous wreck, his face red and sweaty. His lips are swollen from the kiss moments ago.

"Travis, is... is this okay?" I ask, obviously not wanting to go on without consent. Consent is key in every situation, whether it be like this or not.

He nods slowly, with a slight smile on his face.

"Are you sure? I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with. Although you have feelings for me, that doesn't give me permission to do anything you don't want me to," I explain, wanting to inform him that this moment is going to take a whole other direction in a few minutes.

"L-Larry... I promise. As long as you're okay with it, we can do whatever you'd like," he reassures, biting his bottom lip slightly.

Fuck, he's hot.

I grab his hand, walking back to my bedroom. I want to please him, want to make him feel good... want to ruin him.

As soon as we entered my room, I shut the door behind us and led him to my bed.

I then shove him onto the surface below, my hands roaming all around his body. I kiss him again, my lips making their way from his face down to his neck. I leave a mark or two near his jaw, to let everyone know he's mine and mine only.

"Agh god, Larry..." the male below me groans out under his breath, looking into my eyes with lust and desire.

I smirk, grabbing the seam of his shirt as I begin to lift it off of him.

Whoa, he's really hot. His body... dammit.

"You know, you're really hot Travis. Anyone ever told you that?" I chuckle, my hand reaching down to play with his nipple. God, his skin is so smooth and pretty...

Travis moans softly, his hand immediately reaching up to cover his mouth.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Travis and I jolt forward, as he quickly grabs his shirt and pulls it back over his head. I scoot back by about a foot, not wanting to seem suspicious by being too close.

"Boys? Everything okay in there? I heard some sort of banging," Lisa asks, concerned. Oh fuck, she heard us... hopefully she doesn't suspect a thing.

"Y-yeah! Everything's good in here, we just accidentally dropped something," I say, making up a sudden excuse for the noise.

She opens up the door, glancing at us while squinting her eyes skeptically. Travis and I chuckle awkwardly, looking at each other and then at Lisa.

"Okay! I believe you... just don't get too worked up in here, alright? We can't have all of the tenants of this building hearing strange noises," she chuckles, smirking, then immediately pokes her head up like she has something to say, almost like a lightbulb flickering in her head.

"Oh, yes! The pancakes! You boys can come out and eat now if you're feeling better, especially you, Travis. It looks like you've solved the little dispute, sorry to interrupt."

Travis and I both smile, rolling out of my bed to go eat breakfast. We deserve it, after all of this shit we've been through this morning, haha.

"Thanks, Lisa," Travis mutters, as my mom steps out of the way for us to walk to the table, where the pancakes were sitting.

They were smothered in maple syrup, very fluffy and thick. They were sitting on a large white plate, right beside 2 small plates, utensils, and a glass bottle of syrup—assuming they were for Travis and I.

We both take a seat right beside each other, each grabbing one and cutting it into smaller pieces using our own fork and knife. They tasted very rich and moist with syrup, a perfect blend of many flavors in one small pancake.

"These are really good, if I'm being honest with you," Travis says, mouth full with pancakes. I smile at him, nodding in agreement.

"I love you, Travis."

"I love you too, Larry."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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