chapter 2

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As I watch Travis walk out, I sigh to myself. Why is he such an asshole to everybody? I've never actually stopped to think about it. I guess it doesn't matter, he's fucking stupid anyways...


After a while, my shift finally ended. Leaving the gas station, I hop in my car and shut the door. I just sit there for a few minutes, staring at my legs.

Why is Travis such an asshole? I mean, there has to be a reason. Maybe Sal was right about him. He's always so defensive and ignorant towards everyone he meets, gay or not. Especially Sal. What does Sal have that he doesn't?



It has to be. Sal is always confident about most of his choices. But Travis? I mean, he really doesn't seem very confident in himself. I wonder what his home life is like...


After about 8 minutes, I arrived home. What could I do now? I lean over and check my clock. 8:04 PM. Maybe I could see if Sal is busy? We could have a sleepover or something, just like old times. It's been months since we've done it. I grab a pack of cigarettes, shoving them in my pocket.

I leave my room, entering the elevator. I select the 4th floor as I silently wait.

As soon as the elevator takes me to floor 4, I walk to room 402 and knock on the door.

"Sally Face?" I hear footsteps from inside the apartment, getting louder and louder. Sal opens the door.

"Hey, Larry. What's up?" Sal spoke behind his prosthetic, his voice slightly muffled.

"Well... do you remember when we used to have sleepovers almost every night? I miss that, dude. It's been a while... so, is it okay if I sleep over?" I ask, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and smirking at him.

"Yeah, sure! That sounds fun," he says, chuckling.

I walk in, taking note of the newly placed furniture in Sal's apartment.

"New furniture, huh?"

"Yeah, my dad saved up money from work to buy some."

I sat down on the couch and sighed. Sal follows, as Gizmo walks in and rubs against my ankles. I smile slightly, petting his soft fur.

"Guess who I saw at the gas station? The biggest asshole ever." Sal giggles.


"Well, no duh. Of course. Who else fits that description?"


"Sal, I think you were right about Travis. There has to be a reason why he's such a jerk... I want to confront him about it, but he might be defensive and ignorant. What do you think we should do?" I sigh, as I continue to pet Gizmo. Travis always seems calm when he's alone. Maybe he's more of an introvert or something and just doesn't like people?

"Larry, I'm not really sure about what we should do... Maybe we should just wait for him to come to us? I mean, it's highly unlikely that he'll come to us for help out of all people, but maybe we should just let it go for now."

"Okay, I guess you're probably right. You're always right, Sally Face. I appreciate you." I smiled at him, leaning over to pull him into a tight hug. Sal was always a good hugger, and he was always here whenever anybody needed him. He's so kind to everyone. He wrapped his arms around me in return.


After Sal and I smoked for a while, we ended up falling asleep pretty early. Of course, we both slept on the bed together, just as we used to. I probably ended up taking up all of the space on the bed. Poor Sally Face...

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