Olivia Deven Swan.
Bella Swans older twin sister.
She's completely oblivious to the supernatural world around her, though she never liked her sisters boyfriend. Olivia thought he was strange, that he wasn't good, it was a gut feeling. Her gut fee...
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chapter seven: maslow's hierarchy- tier three "Don't invalidate your feelings." ☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽
Olivia didn't remember much of the previous night. She remembered speaking with her mother and being unable to get oxygen into her lungs. Ollie supposed it was better that her mind didn't allow her to remember her panic attacks. The thought of her brain so strung out on fear that her body had to respond in such an aggressive manner made her stomach roll. In fact, it wasn't her first occurrence. It happened once after her incident and it scared her so badly that her father rushed her to the hospital. That was the only time she had any memory of a panic attack. After that, she would check books out of the library or search the internet on the topic and educate herself.
It was common for people who experienced such events to have memory loss. It was a person's way of dealing with a traumatic or distressing event. While she had never been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (which she didn't think she had, Ollie's worry didn't interfere with her way of living), she knew what could trigger a panic attack.
After her incident, it had been being pushed down by a fellow little league teammate that knocked the breath out of her. Memories of her near death.
And- well, that was the only trigger she had figured out.
A part of her was relieved that her brain had tucked the event with other forgotten memories. The other part of her wanted to know purely because she had spent the last hour and a half hiding on the steps of the staircase, listening to her Dad argue with her Mother on the phone. She couldn't hear what Renee was saying but the more she listened and the more her Dad raised his voice, the worse the call got.
It had started as a civil conversation but Renee must've said something to him that he didn't appreciate. Charlie Swan wasn't the type to yell but here he was, yelling at his ex-wife using language that he would have to ask God to forgive him for. The man didn't even yell when Renee walked out on him.
Ollie pulled the sleeves of her sweater into her hands as she stared at the laces of her boots. She knew her Dad was just trying to look out for her well-being but she couldn't help but feel guilty. Guilty that she and her mother had never found a way to get along.
It was her twin's hushed voice that snapped her out of her thoughts. "Ollie?"
The girl on the steps turned to look up at her sister who was standing at the top of the staircase. Bella could see the bags under Olivia's eyes. It was like the usual fire that gave Ollie her glow had been snuffed out. Her skin seemed to be blotchy, her hair was void of its natural silkiness, and her eyes looked so tired. Bella's heart cracked at her twin's sadness.
Ollie had turned back around so she hadn't seen Bella's look of realization.