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E P I S O D E  3 1 [√]p a g e  t h i r t y - o n e  :  B R E A K  &  B U I L D

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E P I S O D E  3 1 [√]
p a g e  t h i r t y - o n e  :  B R E A K  &  B U I L D

"so he can't simply fucking go here by himself and tell us that he's quitting? what a wuss."

tokyo manji gang's captains and vice captains had gathered around like what the fifth division captain requested. they are all at the average track field tenjiku have at the back of the school. empty since everyone else were at the main gymnasium where ikaizen and tenjiku are having their volleyball practice match.

"and what is his reason?" mikey could honestly care less about what reason the blond might have.

mucho observed each and everyone before he spoke again, standing in front of them in all his glory. "he was aware that he's no help to tōman and that he's completely useless. he knew himself that he's a mere errand boy and is holding the gang down."

"aye he's not completely useless! you said it yourself!" a sharp grin appeared on baji's face. "he's a lackey."

"then." mikey stood up, hands kept warm in his basketball shorts as he roamed his eyes around, landing upon each and every captain and vice captain in the area. "any objection?"

at that question, mitsuya's eyes flickered at souya who, as usual, is standing next to his twin brother. out of everyone here, mitsuya would expect that souya would at least have a say.

but souya was oddly quiet and hasn't whispered a thing to his twin brother. if anything,

souya looks at peace for once. no scowl. no frown. he seem relieved.

mikey waited for another moment to pass as he stared at the captains and vices gathered around. he was yet again given another wave of silence and he sighed. "none?"

"peh-yan?" pah-chin whispered, side-staring at the vice captain of his division. he noticed the conflicted look that wearied the male's face, as though he's deep in thought. pah-chin nudged the boy discreetly, unnoticed by the others since they were both standing behind the twins. "what's up with you?"

"huh? n— nothing." ryohei yelped unintentionally loud, drawing the attention of the other captains and vice captains to him.

"you object, peh-yan?" pitch black eyes bore into ryohei's dot - like own.

mucho looked over his shoulder and to the third division vice captain, noticing how ryohei glanced at him. ryohei's brows softly scrunched together, head shaking faintly. "i don't."

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