Game day

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Kaia's pov

I woke up with Pablo's head resting on my chest. It was kinda weird having a grown man on my chest instead of my 6 year old little sister. I moved him off of me then he immediately came back. He groaned "no!" He yells getting Cozy again "Pablo you have a game later" I remind him "but your chest is cozy" he replies. I push him off of me then get up and go downstairs. Mikkey was making breakfast with her beautiful blonde hair in a ponytail. "Good morning!" She says looking at me "morning" I reply before sitting on the counter "I'm scared for my first game" I tell her. She scoffed "girl please it's against Elche it's an easy win" she replies plating the bacon and eggs. She gave me the plate then sat next to me with her food "your really pretty you know that?" Mikkey asked "mostly everyone I talk to says a look identical to my dad and he's a guy with masculine features so that kinda brings down my confidence" I reply "that's what makes you, you though" she tells me. I shrug "guess so" I reply. After we ate we had to wake everyone up because the game is in 5 hours which means the boys have to leave in 2 and us girls have to leave in 4. We decided to wake Alejandro first. He was laying on his back so it was perfect for our plan. Mikkey tickled his waist as I pinched his butt. He yelled. We ran out of the room then decided to do Pablo next. We were surprised to what we saw

Pablo's pov

Ughhhh Kaia just left me in my room after she pushed me off of her chest. 2 minutes later I heard my bedroom door open so I assumed it was Kaia because who else would come in. "Kaia come here" I say opening my arms. Kaia got in my arms but she seemed a little more strong and tuff but I ignored it. I kissed her head then her cheek.

Kaia's pov

Pablo was sleeping with frenkie in his arms! Me and Mikkey tried not to laugh. We both tapped the boys causing them to wake up. They made eye contact then yelled. They were both shirtless. Me and Mikkey yelled "you guys didn't?" Mikkey asked "no! Thank good we didn't" Pablo replied. "Frenkie why are you in here?" I ask "Mikkey left our bed then I went to look for her while I was half asleep then I saw you walking out of Pablo's room so my half asleep self thought that mikkey was in there! And you went to go find Pablo downstairs" He replied. Me and Mikkey laughed. Everyone came running into the room "what happened?" They all say at the same time "nothing!" me, mikky, frenkie and Pablo say at the same time "okay..." ansu says walking away


2 hours later

The boys left and us girls we're getting ready

I was wearing this with my hair straight and I had a full natural glam makeup look

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I was wearing this with my hair straight and I had a full natural glam makeup look.

Few minutes later

We arrived at the stadium and got our seats. The players started entering the pitch. I made eye contact with Pablo then blew a kiss to him. In response he puckered his lips then stuck them out (basically he blew a kiss but without his hand) "I saw that!" Natalia says (raphinhas wife) the game started and frenkie got a goal in the 30th minute. Me, Mikkey, sira, Natalia and Anna screamed at the top of our lungs. The 1st half ended and me, sira and Mikkey got hot pretzels. The game started then ferran scored a goal in the 65th causing all 5 of us to do the same exact thing we did when frenkie scored (scream)  in the 85th minute Alejandro had the ball he passed it to raphinha who passed it to Pedri, who passed it to sergi roberto who passed the ball to gavi. Then gavi scored!!! He started running towards us then he kissed his jersey and pointed to me. HE DEDICATED IT TO ME! I feel so special. The game was over so we went back to Pablo's house for the small party where the boys play FIFA and the girls drink wine. We got to gavi's house and we had to take showers so I took my bathroom, sira took the main 1st floor bathroom and Mikkey took the bathroom across from my bedroom. I got in the shower then while I was doing my shampoo Pablo came in "I'm home!" He tells me looking at the fogged shower glass "omg Pablo leave!" I yell "why?" He asks closing the bathroom door. He sat on the counter "did you just ask why?" I ask "mhm" he hummed in response. I ignored him talking then as soon as I was done I tried to grab my towel but Pablo beat me to it "no no no, come out here" he tells me. I sigh then come out of the shower and snatch it from him. I quickly wrapped the towel around my body. He got closer to me then whispered "I dedicated my goal to you, we won" he reminded me putting his arms around my waist "yeah I was gonna tell you if you score I'll give you anything you want and if you win I'll do anything you want me to do, but I changed my mind" I reply before exiting the bathroom. Pablo closed the bathroom door then I heard the toilet seat open. I quickly changed into this

When I was about to put my hair in a low ponytail after I brushed it I heard Pablo urinating

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When I was about to put my hair in a low ponytail after I brushed it I heard Pablo urinating. Ughh I hate the sound of people peeing. It always sends shivers down my spine when I have to take Alana or Eva to the bathroom I just hate it. Pablo washed his hands then opened the door "damn it, I thought maybe if I was fast enough I could've had a show" he winked before leaving my room. I put my hair into a low ponytail then went downstairs to the team. All of the girls had glasses of wine in there hands and like 2 out of like 10 boys were holding controllers. I grabbed the glass of wine from the marble island then poured the red liquid into the clean, clear wine glass. I sat next to Natalia and Anna "should I ask the babysitter to bring our son?" Natalia asks raphinha. He nodded not taking his eyes of the tv because he was playing lewandowski. Natalia picked up her phone of the island we were sitting at then walked into the bathroom to call the babysitter. 5 minutes she came out "they are one the way!" Natalia yells. He kept talking and drinking until 5 minutes later we got a knock on the door. Natalia ran to the door then 3 minutes later she came back with the beautiful baby boy. "Wanna hold him?" She asks me. I nodd then opened my arms. She gave him to me then I walked over to the couch and sat next to Pablo

 She gave him to me then I walked over to the couch and sat next to Pablo

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"We need one" Pablo says.I shake my head "your crazy" I tell him "it's not my fault, I swear babies have a spell against me" she says "I'm not just talking about you and babies, it's just your reality" I reply. Everyone laughs and Pablo smiles at me. "Wanna feed him, he still needs to eat" Natalia say's handing me the baby bottle with the milk filled to the top. I take the bottle then put it in his mouth. Their baby boy looks up at me with his beautiful brown eyes. After he was done I started burping him. I faced him towards Pablo which was a horrible idea because when I patted the baby boys back for the 5th time he spit up all of Pablo "bro! Kaia cmon!" Pablo yelled "not my fault!" I reply "you could've pointed him at Eric or something!" Pablo said trying to wipe the off white liquid off of his shirt and pants "Kaia I swear if you point that thing at me and it throws up on me I will leave so fast and block you ass faster then lightning McQueen can do a lap" Eric says. I put my arms up in surrender. Pablo came back downstairs "I swear Kaia if you ever do that to me again there will be consequences" Pablo says. I rolled my eyes then continued burping the sweet baby boy. Pablo kept glancing at the baby from the side to make sure that he doesn't spit up again. On the 14th pat on the back pablo looked at him then his eyes widened. He bumped Eric's shoulder causing them both to lean to the side on their shoulders. The baby spit up on the back of Pablos thighs and his butt. I laugh "alright I'm done!" Pablo yelled standing up walking over to the sink. He went upstairs then 2 minutes later he came back in black Nike sweatpants. He grabbed the baby from me then sat him on his lap. Pablo faced him towards me then started to burp him. On Pablo's 5th pat I stopped his hand from hitting the baby's back "don't be rough with him!" I yell at Pablo. I took the baby from Pablo then laid his head back on my chest. He went back to sleep and Pablo kept glaring at him "Pablo, he's asleep he won't throw up on you again" I tell him "i know but he took my spotttt" Pablo whined. I opened the left arm signaling Pablo to cuddle with us. Pablo quickly accepted the laid with us. Frenkie looked at his phone then yelled "everyone! We can go on the yacht tomorrow!" Everyone smiled then yelled "YEAH!" The sweet sleeping baby boy started waking up "shut up he's sleeping!" I yell. Everyone went silent then ansu said "ma bad" everyone started laughing even me. The baby boy smiled in his sleep making me smile at him "I need one" I whisper "I'll be more then happy to give one to you" Pablo says. Everyone went home eventually and I said bye to the baby. I went to my room and Pablo went to his then we went to bed.

A/N: y'all let me know if they should have a baby or not

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