The game

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Kaia's pov

I woke up on November 23rd and today Spain is playing. I got up then changed into this

I put on mascara and concealer then curled my hair

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I put on mascara and concealer then curled my hair. Once I was done with that I got a black Nike sweater and a fuzzy Christian Dior blanket. I put everything I needed in my purse then I left and went to my parents room. Alana and Eva were ready by the door. I picked them up on my hip then we started walking to the elevator. "Gavi?" Alana asked "Sí" I reply. Eva smiled. Once we got down to the lobby there was a black shiny Cadillac Escalade. We sat in the way back so we could be by eachother.

15 minutes later we got to the stadium and Alana and Eva were very excited but cold. Once we got to our seats they wouldn't get off of me so I was sitting with 2 six year olds on my lap. I already know my legs are gonna be asleep after this. I looked down and saw that my top is actually a little more revealing then I thought. Pablo told me to dress nice because his parents are here but oh well. Alana wouldn't stop talking. As the game was gonna start soon a 40-50 or so couple with a girl who looked about 23 sat by us. Well there was a empty chair in between me and the girl. The girl sat by her family and the guy oddly looked like Pablo. Ugh what do i know I'm Portuguese and Argentinian. Alana kept going on and the girl kept side eyeing up and giving weird looks to Alana so I get fed up "Alana want a kinder egg?" I ask "Sí!" She replied "where's jr?" I ask "he's at breakfast with auntie ivana" Eva replied. I nodd "hey I want a kinder egg" Eva says. I sigh then give her the egg. "I'm cold" Alana tells me. I open my arms and she gets close with her head on my chest. I put the blanket over her then 2 minutes later Eva joined us. The game started and ferran Torres had 2 goals already. Marco Asensio and Dani olmo made goals then the 1st half was over. "Alana where's Alejandro?" I ask. She points to him "he's mean he tried to ruin my singing!" Alana says. I laugh "but we killed it" I say. Once half time was over Carlos Soler and Alvaro Morata made a goal and it was now the 70th minute. Pedri passed the ball to Alejandro, Alejandro passed is to Marco, Marco passed it to ansu, ansu passed the ball to gavi. Gavi kicked it into the goal then boom! The ball hits the net. He runs over to west we were. He kisses the Spain bandage then points to me and cradles his arms then rocks them back and forth. The family next to us stared at me. "Baby?" Eva asked "BUT IM YOUR BABY!" Alana yelled but not loud enough for everyone to hear just the people around us. "ME TOO!" Eva says as they lay in my chest crying. I'm laughing at them "I'm not gonna leave you 2" I say. They look at me with red eyes from them crying. After the game was over we went down to the pitch. I walked over to Pablo and he saw Alana and Eva crying so he picked up Alana "what did she do?" Pablo asked "A BABY!" Alana cried into his chest. He laughed "a baby's a good thing" Pablo tells her "me and Eva your babies!" Alana says. Stoppp his babies!!!! That is the cutest family thing ever. "You and Eva will always be my #1 babies" Pablo tells her. Alana and Eva cry harder. that family from earlier came by us. Pablo tried to put alana down but she yelled "I'm always gonna be your baby! Hold me!" Pablo obeyed her and the family was surprised "hola Pablo!" The girl said "hola Rory" Pablo replied. Rory? "Oh Kaia this is my sister aurora, aurora this is my girlfriend Kaia" Pablo introduced us "hola" I say but in response she just nodded her head. "Hola" the man said before he hugged me "I'm Pablo páez, Pablo's father" he introduced himself. As he pulled away the woman hugged me "hola mi hija" she says. I smile. When she pulls away Eva says "your pretty" the lady blushed "oh thank you and your also very beautiful" she returns the compliment "just like your mom" she adds looking at me "oh I'm not mom, I'm her sister" I reply "wow you girls look identical" the lady says. I chuckle "thank you" I reply. After talking a little bit we left and Alana would not let go of Pablo. When we got to their room Alana kissed Pablo's lips, so did Eva. We walked to our room and as soon as I opened the door Pablo smacked my ass. He pushed me on the bed "I made a goal.... And we won" Pablo whispers "a deals a deal" I say. He got to it in no time.

Yk what happened

"Pablo my legs are shaking" I tell him "hold on" he replied. He did a really deep thrust making me moan and he came inside of me for the 5th time. "I have to shower" I tell him as I looked down at the sticky white goo on my thighs, stomach, boobs, neck and down there especially. He got off of me and revealed the white goo on his thighs "guess I will join" he says. I smirk at the mess I made on him. He walk into the bathroom and before I stepped in the shower he slapped my ass. When I looked back at him I looked in the mirror and saw his back was full of scratches "what?" He asked when he saw my scared look "I'll show you when we get out" I reply. He gave me a scared look then got in with me.


After the shower I took a picture of his back and showed it to him "well now your mine and I'm yours" he said "you didn't give me any marks" I reply. "Mmm" he hummed looking at my neck. My jaw went to the floor. I quickly turned around and saw the dark and purple bruises on my neck.

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