World Cup

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Kaia's pov

It's now November 20th and today is the World Cup. Turns out we are sharing a plane with the Spain national team because we don't have a game with them. We we're currently in our Mercedes van with like 10 seats. I was sitting next to Eva as she was sleeping with her head on my chest. I was scrolling on instagram till I got a dm from Pablo.


P: I can't wait to see you mi amor

K: you saw me like 7 days ago 😭

P: exactly way to long

K: which on of my siblings are your favorite?

P: I love them all the exact same

K: that's not true

P: fine I like Eva a lot but Alana is so sweet and when she kisses you 😍

K: i know your still thinking about that baby

P: I am

K: better keep practicing

P: you have no idea how much I trained

K: ehh idk Costa Rica is very good

P: better then me?

K: no

P: that's what I thought

K: are you already at the airport?

P: yeah we landed like 5 minutes ago

K: connecting flight?

P: yea

K: eh okay

P: I mean no the Spain national team is obviously coming from Portugal

K: stfu

P: I'd rather not


We got to the airport then went to security. I was holding Eva As I was holding jrs hand, someone pulled me backwards on my shirt and i accidentally let go of jrs hand. "Kaia can I get a picture?" The girl who pulled me backwards asked. I already knew if I didn't say yes people would cancel me for being "rude" towards fans so I took the picture. I started walking pushing my way through people until I saw huge flashes. Paparazzi. I tried to cover my face but someone tripped me. I almost fell but someone nice caught me (it was a girl) "omg thank you so much" I thank the girl. She was a beautiful Mexican girl who was like a foot taller then me "no problem, I'm Alexa" she says "Kaia" I replied. She helped me push through people then as soon as we got to security we parted ways. The man told me to walk through the metal detector. It was easy. They gave me my luggage then the guy who takes my Id signaled me over to him. I went infront of the big glass he's behind. I gave him my ID and Eva's card "Kaia Ronaldo?" He asks. I nodd "my kids are a big fan" he adds. I nodd again "Eva Ronaldo?" He asks Eva. She nodded. He chuckled "guess nobody wants to use their words today" he says. This hoe, it's literally 2 in the morning nobody wants to talk. He handed us our things back. I pulled up the gate were at then we went up the escalator "that man was creepy" Eva whispered "i know" I reply rubbing her back. We we're going to our gate until Eva saw a candy store so we had to go in and get her gummy's. We go inside and there were so many foreign candies I've never seen. Eva was so so happy and she only got gummy's because she isn't interested in hard candy or anything. We started walking to our gate when I saw a Starbucks so I had to get stuff. I got a hot chai latte with 7 sandwiches, 5 cake pops, 5 pumpkin loafs and a Trenta water with 5 Demi cups. (3 Fl oz) we finally got to our gate and I gave my family their food. I looked around then I saw the Spain team coming towards us. Luis de la Fuente and my dad shook hands and it was so awkward. Alana was eating her sandwich which I cut up "Kaia, mama thought that we lost you and Eva. I thought that it would only be me and jr and Mateo forever I am so happy you found us and I also got candy I didn't want any gummy bears because I don't wanna lose my teeth," Alana went on "Alana do you want a kinder?" I ask. She nodded excitedly. I gave her the kinder egg I bought from the candy store. When it comes to Alana talking the only thing you can do to keep her quiet is give her a kinder egg.Eva was playing tag with Mateo as jr sat on the ground watching them. I was eating my pumpkin loaf until Eva ran up to me and tagged me. I tagged her back before she could run "tag no tag backs" I say. She crossed her arms then started crying "what's wrong?" I ask "mateos gonna say I'm a loser" she cries into my chest "your not a loser" I tell her. She continues playing and Alana goes by jr. I stand up to us the bathroom but joão félix was in my way bending down. I ran up to him then smacked his ass as hard as I could "GYATT DAMN" I say. He gets back up then hugs me. "My ass is still bigger than yours" he says. I roll my eyes. I go to the bathroom then on the way out I run into Pablo. He looked really mad. He pushed me into the family bathroom then into the wall "what the fuck was the with félix!?" He asks "Pablo, he's literally like my brother. I always do that to him" I reply "I don't care, your my girl" he says "you haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend" I reply "well I'm asking you now" he says. He looks around the bathroom "I'm waiting" I say "I'll ask you In Qatar" she tells me. I laugh. Pablo death stares me "doesn't mean your not mine," Pablo says "i know you remember Alana's birthday" he adds. I smirk remembering that night "in 3 days the same exact thing will happen just 10x faster, better and I will put a baby inside of you" he tells me "that's not how that works, sperm enters a vagina, travels through the cervix and womb to the fallopian tube and fertilises an egg." I say "basically the same thing" he says. I laugh. He let go of me and we walk out of the bathroom. When we got to the gate it was time to board. I held Eva and Alana as jr held Mateo. People under 20 had to go first. Pablo, Pedri and Alejandro blade were behind us. "He's heavyyy" Jr complains "wanna put him on my back and you take the luggage and scan our boarding passes?" I ask sarcastically. He quickly shakes his head. I chuckled then I was our turn. I scanned my boarding pass then jrs, Mateo, Eva's and Alana's. We got in the tunnel then 1 minute later the boys appeared behind us again "how are you guys so fast?" I ask. They all smirk "stop." Jr says knowing what they were thinking of. They laugh. As we we're actually stepping on the plane Mateo nearly hit his head. We found a 6 seater spot. "Who wants to sit by the window?" I ask "me!" Eva replied. I put eva by the window then I got in the middle. Alana in the isle seat. Mateo sat on the other window seat across from eva and jr sat across from me. 5 minutes later my mom and dad got on the plane. My dad had to sit with the Portugal team to discuss random stuff so it worked out. My mom sat across from Alana. Once everyone was on the plane we started to take off. When we got on the runway it was really weird. There was a lot of bouncing and shaking but the pilot assured us nothing was wrong. When we started to pick up more speed the plane was shaking a lot more. Eva and Alana held onto my side and I had my arms around them. When we actually took off there was a big bounce causing half the people in the plane to go up. Alana and Eva started crying. "It's fine, we are back in the air" I tell them. They calmed down and 1 hour on the plane Alana got up and started dancing. Our family started laughing but everyone else was hyping her up. Everyone looked at me and i covered my eyes. "Mama! Let it go!" Alana says. My mom pulled up let it go on YouTube. It started playing and Alana started singing. Alejandro blade tried to sing with her but she hushed him making everyone laugh and he gasped. She came over by me and told me to sing with her "don't let them know!" Alana sings "well now they know!" I add "let it go!" Alana sings "let it go!" I add "can't hold it back anymore!" Alana sings. We continued singing and as soon as the song was over everyone clapped making me laugh. Me and Eva fell asleep somehow because Alana kept singing.

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