Panic Attack

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(Warning: As you can tell by the title, this includes a panic attack; it also includes mentioned murder/killing. Skip this chapter if you're not comfortable reading that stuff.)

(Also, I felt that we should see vulnerable Wither sometimes too, so here you go!)

3rd POV

Wither was trying to control his breathing, which had been coming out in short, little gasps. He tried his best to stay still, but it had little effort on his shaking. Tears ran down his dark grey cheeks as his heart pounded.

I can't let Skeleton see me like this, Wither thought. He heard footsteps outside his door, and tried his best to stay quiet. Unfortunately, his panicked body was not cooperating.

Skeleton was walking by Wither's room when he heard a strange noise. It sounded as if Wither was struggling to breathe.

"Wither?" He called to the closed door. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just- Go away, Skelly!" He heard Wither say. His voice sounded strained, as he heard the strange struggling-to-breathe sounds from him again.

Without saying anything more, Skeleton opened the door.

And what he saw set him in a panic.

Wither had a hand over his mouth as he tried to control his breathing; his whole body shook terribly as a few tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Oh my Notch, Wither!" Skeleton cried, running over to his best friend. He kneeled down next to Wither, who just shook his head at him. No, no, no.

"I didn't want you to see me like this!" Wither cried out, still shaking horribly.

"Wither, please calm down," Skeleton said, trying to keep his tone calm, despite the fear he felt at seeing Wither like this. "Just look at me, okay? You're going to be fine."

"I- I can't-" Wither started, but he stopped as he looked into Skeleton's eyes.

Looking at Skeleton's eye color, which was a bright shade of blue, interrupted Wither's terrible childhood flashbacks. Instead of his mind throwing memories of his abusive parents in his brain, it made him focus on Skeleton's eyes. His eyes were mesmerizing.

Noticing Wither was calming down, Skeleton gently wrapped his arms around the taller male. He rubbed Wither's back soothingly as Wither's breathing became more steady.

"I'm right here, Wither, you'll be fine," Skeleton soothed, still rubbing his back.

A few minutes passed before Wither calmed down entirely. Skeleton still had his arms wrapped around him, which had helped Wither calm down faster.

"Are you okay, Wither?" Skeleton asked, looking up at Wither.

"I am now," Wither answered, looking down at Skeleton. His rust orange eyes met Skeleton's bright blue ones.

"What happened, Wither? Why did you get a panic attack?" Skeleton asked, concern in his tone.

"Just some bad memories..." Wither murmured.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Skeleton asked. "I'll be happy to listen."

Wither breathes in deep, then exhaled. "Alright." Seeing that Skeleton was listening, he started. "I was abused by my parents during my childhood, starting when I was eight. It started out as just verbal abuse, but soon it started becoming physical as well."

Skeleton's eyes widened as he heard this, and he hugged Wither a little bit tighter.

"They were very harsh when they taught me how to use a sword. If I made even a small mistake, they would yell at me and sometimes hit me..." Wither continued. The feeling of Skeleton hugging him made him feel comforted. "I finally escaped from their abuse when I was thirteen. I've lived in the Overworld since, and I haven't been to the Nether since then."

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