I Don't Want To Lose You

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(Sequel to "Panic Attack"
Yes, I know I made that oneshot a while ago, but I thought up this idea and I'm not going to waste it... So here you go!)

3rd POV

"Skelly! Skelly, where are you?!" Wither called, searching desperately for his boyfriend as he walked through a particularly dark patch of woods.

Then, he heard a familiar voice scream his name.


"SKELLY!" Wither shouted back, rushing towards the direction the scream had came from. Wither skidded to a stop at a horrifying sight.

His father was restraining Skeleton, holding a sword to his neck. He stared at his son with a sick grin while Skeleton's bright blue eyes held extreme fear.

"How the fuck are you here?! Let him go right now!" Wither growled, his enraged tone didn't show any of the extreme fear he felt.

"No. I know this skeleton is the one good thing you have in your life that hasn't been taken away," his father replied, his grin growing wider. "I'm going to kill the one you love... As you watch."

"Like fuck you are!" Wither roared, raising his hands, preparing to use his hacking powers. All of a sudden, someone restrained him from behind; holding his arms and making him unable to hack.

"Ah-ah, you're not going to stop us this time, Russel," Wither heard his mother's voice in his ear. He struggled as much as he could, but it was as if he was a weak child again; he couldn't get out of his mother's grip.

"It's time," Wither's father grinned. "Say goodbye, little skeleton."

Wither and Skeleton locked eyes one last time before screaming each other's names.




Then Wither's father sliced open Skeleton's neck, letting his body go as it hit the ground.

"SKELLY!!!" Wither screamed, and his mother let go of him. Wither dropped to his knees, taking Skeleton's body in his hands; too much in grief to attack his parents; who had mysteriously vanished.

"No... Oh, Notch, please no..." Wither sobbed horribly, holding his boyfriend's dead body against his chest; not giving any fucks about getting blood from Skeleton's torn neck on his clothes.

"Oh my Notch... You're gone... You're all I had left, Skelly..." Wither sobbed impossibly more, tears pouring from his rust orange eyes.

"I can't go on without you..."

Wither woke up, his heart beating rapidly and his body shaking as he opened his eyes and looked around. He recognized his and Skeleton's bedroom, and looked to his side to see Skeleton sleeping peacefully.

It was just a dream... A fucking awful dream... Wither thought, and that knowledge settled his shaking and rapid heartbeat minimally. He wrapped his arms around Skeleton, holding him against his chest.

"Thank Notch you're safe," Wither whispered to his sleeping lover. A few seconds later, he felt Skeleton's body shift.

"Mmm... Wither?" Skeleton asked sleepily, waking up to the feeling of Wither's shaking body and rapid heartbeat. He looked up at his boyfriend, whose face held an expression of relief.

"Hey, Skelly..." Wither said, him and Skeleton locking eyes.

"Are you okay? You're shaking a lot..." Skeleton asked, concern in his tone.

"I guess I'm okay," Wither said. "I just... had a nightmare, is all."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Wither was silent for just a moment, then said, "My parents were somehow back... They killed you and forced me to watch... I couldn't do anything..." Wither didn't even bother to wipe away the few tears rolling down his cheeks. Skeleton's eyes widened, before he wrapped his arms around Wither.

"I'm sorry, Wither. That must've been awful..." Skeleton said in sympathy, cuddling next to Wither. "But you parents are gone; they'll never hurt you again."

"I... I know..." Wither said, holding Skeleton close to his body. "I just... I don't want to lose you, Skelly..."

"I don't want to lose you either, Wither."

"If anything happened to you..." Wither started, slightly hesitating but said the next part anyway, "I don't know if I could still go on. You're the only good thing in my life that hasn't been taken away..."

"Wither, you never told me that..." Skeleton said, looking back up at Wither. "I knew I mean a lot to you, but I didn't know it was this much..."

"You do, Skelly. You mean... Everything to me," Wither said, and Skeleton could hear clearly the love and honesty in his voice.

"You mean everything to me too, Wither... And I'm not just saying that," Skeleton said. He reached up his thumb and wiped away the very few tears rolling down Wither's face. He smiled. "I love you, Wither."

"I love you too, Skelly... More than words can express," Wither said, smiling back. He leaned his head down and kissed his lover, who kissed him back. They both thoroughly enjoyed the kiss; Wither even swiping Skeleton's tongue with his own at one point.

They both eventually separated their lips, and Skeleton sighed and laid his head on Wither's chest, snuggling up to his partner. Wither smiled lovingly, and reached up a hand to stroke Skeleton's pale hair. After a few minutes had passed, Wither noticed that Skeleton had fallen asleep. He smiled; Skeleton looked so cute right now.

"Good night, my love," he said softly, kissing Skeleton's forehead and giving his hair a final stroke before he closed his own eyes.

And soon, Wither fell asleep, with the one thing responsible for his happiness and love being cuddled in his arms.

(Did you like this one? 🙃)

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