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When it was finally time for breakfast, we managed to drag ourselves from our room, to get our day going. We went to the dining hall, where several demigods, and what tourists were still left on the boat, were making themselves plates of food.

I immediately went for the coffee, and poured myself a cup. When I saw where Luke had taken his seat with his plate of food, I went to sit across from him, and before I could even sit down, Luke was shaking his head. "What?" I asked.

"Go back and get a plate. Coffee is not a meal." He looked at me with an exasperated look.

"Luke—" I tried to argue.

"Speedy, I am not about to argue with you. Go at least get a small plate of food, because you aren't picking off mine."

"You're barring me from your plate?" I asked, looking at him incredulously.

Luke gave a small nod. "It's not like I'm cutting you off from your coffee." He smirked.

"You would truly hate me if you did that." I said, and this caused him to laugh as I set my cup down and headed right back for the buffet. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my plate before piling on a spoonful of eggs, and a couple strips of bacon then took my place back at the table.

Luke gave an approving look, but said nothing. In fact, we didn't speak another word, at least until Sam came over toward the end of our meal. I cleared my throat, wiped my mouth with the napkin I had in my lap, and went to sip my coffee when Sam made himself at home at mine and Luke's table. Luke and I exchanged looks, and when he gave me a small nod, I got up, and went around to his side of the table, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I love you." I whispered.

"Love you too, Speedy." Luke murmured.

I didn't hang back to wait and hear what they would speak about. To be honest, I wanted to get a good look at the Sea of Monsters. Since being in these uncharted waters, I'd only seen the outskirts, and that's it, and whatever view I happened to get this morning on my way into the galley. It wasn't much of a view.

While being left to my own devices, I decided to check around the ship and see what demigods may have needed a hand, or which had things under control. So far, every level I passed, seemed to have everything under control. Even the demigods in charge of supplies and weapons seemed to have things handled.

I had made it all the way back to the promenade when a demigod had found me a couple hours later. I recognized her though. She was positively beautiful. She had red hair, green eyes, and light freckles that splashed against her pale, ivory skin. "Maisy?" I asked.

The daughter of Aphrodite smiled sweetly. "Cammy!" She exclaimed.

I smiled and once she was within arm's length, I hugged her neck tightly. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, suddenly pulling away and frowning at her.

She gave a small shrug of her shoulders and smirked a little. "Sam and Luke offered me a chance of a lifetime, so I took it."

"You...do know what is happening don't you?" I asked her cautiously.

Maisy nodded, and she batted her long lashes. "Kronos is rising." She said softly.

I nodded, agreeing with her. "Yeah, once we have our hands on the Fleece, he'll be brought back..." I said.

It was quiet between us for a moment. Here was yet again, another camper that I had taken care of, or helped take care of, was siding with the Titans. Just how many campers at Camp Half Blood could be siding with the titans, and no one knew? I wondered if I should reach out to Elektra and Silena and let them know about their sister? Then again, would they even dare talk to me? Camp thought I was a traitor after all. They thought I had been the one to poison Thalia's tree. At least, that's what Annabeth said, and Sam said he had been waiting for that to happen.

Cameron Allen and the Olympians -- ( A Percy Jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now