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Jungkook had never been to a matchmaking party before, but his friends insisted that he should give it a try. He was skeptical but decided to go along with it anyway.

When he arrived at the party, he was immediately overwhelmed by the number of people there. He didn't know anyone, and everyone seemed to be already chatting with someone else.

Just as he was about to leave, he spotted a girl standing alone by the bar. She was wearing a simple but elegant dress that caught his attention. He walked over and introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Jungkook. Mind if I join you?"

The girl looked up and smiled. "Sure, I'm Hee-Jin. Nice to meet you."

They started chatting, and before they knew it, they had been talking for hours. They had so much in common, and their conversation flowed effortlessly. They laughed and exchanged stories about their lives, and Jungkook found himself feeling more comfortable than he ever had at a party.

As the night went on, they realized that they didn't want the night to end. They exchanged phone numbers and made plans to meet up the following week.

Over the next few weeks, Jungkook and Hee-Jin went on more dates and grew closer. They discovered that they had a deep connection and felt like they had known each other for years.

One day, as they were walking through a park, Jungkook stopped in the middle of the path and turned to Hee-Jin.

"Hee-Jin, I know we haven't known each other for long, but I feel like we have something special. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Hee-Jin's face lit up, and she responded with a resounding "Yes!"

From that day on, they were inseparable. They went on many adventures together, explored new places, and created memories that they would cherish forever.

Jungkook never would have thought that a matchmaking party would lead him to the love of his life, but he was grateful that it did. Hee-Jin was everything he had ever wanted and more, and he knew that he would spend the rest of his life making her happy.

Jungkook and Hee-Jin's relationship continued to blossom, and they became more and more in love with each passing day. They spent most of their free time together, trying new things and exploring their shared interests.

One of their favorite things to do was to go on long walks, talking about anything and everything. They would walk for hours, holding hands and enjoying each other's company. They loved to explore different neighborhoods and discover hidden gems, like cute coffee shops and unique stores.

They also enjoyed trying new foods, and they would often go out to eat at different restaurants around the city. They were always open to trying new cuisines and would make a game out of it, trying to find the best dishes at each restaurant they visited.

As their relationship grew stronger, they started to talk about their future together. They both wanted to travel the world and see as much as they could, and they dreamed of starting a family someday.

Jungkook knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Hee-Jin, so he decided to take the next step and propose to her. He planned a surprise proposal at a beautiful park that they had discovered on one of their walks. He set up a picnic with all of their favorite foods and decorations, and when Hee-Jin arrived, he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.

Hee-Jin was overjoyed and said yes without hesitation. They hugged and kissed, and Jungkook slipped a beautiful ring on her finger. They spent the rest of the day celebrating their engagement, calling their friends and family to share the happy news.

Jungkook and Hee-Jin got married a year later, surrounded by their loved ones. It was a beautiful ceremony, and they exchanged heartfelt vows, promising to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives.

Their love story proved that sometimes, all it takes is one chance encounter to change your life forever. Jungkook and Hee-Jin found each other at a matchmaking party, and their love grew stronger with each passing day. They were truly meant to be together, and they knew that they had found their soulmate in each other.

The Beginning.......

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