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Mrs Kim went to tae's room to wake him up . Usually he wake up himself daily and reaches office on time. But today it was different.
Namjoon already went as was having some important meeting Early morning.

Mrs Kim : (patting his head lovingly) tae wake up bachha you are already late today.

Tae : umm ahh..h (whining in partial sleep,weakly)

Mrs Kim :what happened to you today
(Confused and worried)
As she kept the back side of her hand to his forehead gently moving his hairs aside
She gasped!!

Tae : opened his eyes 🥺( listening his mom's sudden shout, pain clearly visible in his eyes)

At the instance,Mr. Kim walked in the room
There hit the realisation to our tae tae
The thought of his father to know how careless he was this whole week towards his health , made Shriver run down his spine. 😳💀

Mr. Kim : honey what happened?!

Mrs Kim : look he is having fever 🤒

Mr Kim : went to another side of bed and kept his hand on tae's forehead , then softly caressing his check with his thumb

Tae : baba I'm ok 😟 ( innocent and scared eyes)

Mr Kim : ignored him and waked out calling hospital for a doctor

Tae : mamma , hyung ??

Mrs Kim : baby he went office Early , he was having a imp meetings na!

Tae : (puppy eyes 🥺) I wanna talk to him

Mrs Kim : of course my love you can
Let to make a call to him (she called him )

Otp ;

Tae : hyung!!!
Joon : tae? What happened??
Tae : come home na!! ( whining)
Joon: huh?? (Confused
Tae : sniff.. Ok bye(angry yet scared)

Tae POV :
Lord even hyung is not listening to me
Ahh hyungie i need u or else who will save me today from dad

Mr. Kim : joon is coming he is done with his work and doctor will Also be here in about 1/2 hour

Tae meekly looked at his father serious and strict face and snuggled more close to her mother keep head on her lap

After 45 minutes

Doctor was just done with checking tae's breathing and BP
When Joon entered in his room
He took a glance of tae who was about to cry 😰😭face, which didn't went unnoticed by the doctor

Joon :how is he doctor?
Doc :can we talk outside
Mr Kim : yeah this way (worried)
Joon (didn't want to leave tae alone in the room ) : mom u stay with him

Outside the room
Doc : fever is really high his vitals are not so good he is really weak at this point, for now I am giving him some injections and medicine
But I advice u to have him a visit at the hospital for a full body check up
Although there is nothing much to worry
He Just need care

Mr Kim : ok I will took him for check up tomorrow only
Mr Kim: u know kids nowadays
He was always a brat when it comes to talking care of himself
Joon : dad he is already so scared listen u and mamma wait here I will help the doctor to treat him trust me u can scold him as much u want afterwards for now getting him treated is our priority tht
Mr Kim : but that brat..... (Cut off by doc)
Doc : I think he is rgt
For now he needs to calm down
Mr Kim : alright

Inside the room

Mrs Kim was continually patted tae head softly loving
Joon : mom dad is calling u outside
Mrs Kim : ooh..ok ( confused yet hella worried for his baby)
Joon : don't worry I here with him

To be continued....

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