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Next morning

Tae was up early according to his routine
And was brushing his teeth in front of bathroom mirror
When someone knocked on the door it was none other than his joon hyung

Joon entered and not finding him on the bed sleeping asked him

Joon :are u in bathroom tae
Tae : yeah hyung wait
Joon : (sighed) have a lukewarm bath today not your usual ice cold understand! (Sternly)
Tae : (chuckled)ok ok chill bro I understood

As he came out in a bathrobe he find a Black Celine t shirt and lose jeans with a hoodie neatly kept for him

Tae : it must be hyung
but ,Ahhh he would not let me go to office too
(He looked at time) shit! Mr. Taehyung be fast if you don't want a good scolding from hyung (as he was late for breakfast)

He wore the hoodie over his T-shirt along with his slippers and went down
to dinning room

He wore the hoodie over his T-shirt along with his slippers and went downto dinning room

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Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim, Joon were already sitted and tae greeted everyone
Tae pov
God please Not today please save me from hyung

He pulled his chair out and sitted near Joon

Joon forwarded his hand towards tae
Who flinched and closed his eyes expecting a smack (on head)
Joon chuckled and placed the back of his palm on tae's forehead

Joon : it's better , have ur food and no tantrums
Tae nodded and had his food as he knew he was already in trouble

Mrs Kim served him a glass of milk
Tae : mumma not this please( pleading)
Mr Kim : shut your mouth and have it (yelled)
Tae gullped and looked at Joon with puppy eyes but yelped
As now his mother was standing on the other side and squeezing his ear a little

(Tae literally hate milk it was always been a struggle to feed him milk)
Tae : joonie hyungie (whining cutely)
Joon : Im out of u mother-son duo
( until it is not something disturbing for u my baby {in his mind })

Mrs Kim : squeezed his ear more
Tae was already alot weak
His eyes become watery
He looked at his mother which clenched her heart bcz she knows what awaits for him will make him cry even more
But gathered herself
Mr Kim : Kim Tae hyung drink it now!!!
Tae :( flinched and embarrassed realize he again cried over a silly reason) drank the milk in one go
Mrs kim : good boy (she wiped his face with a tissue)
Tae was lost admiring her mother's every feature just like a few born baby
Mrs Kim was feeling guilty looking at her son's so lovable actions
But soon he came back to reality when Mr Kim spoke

Mr Kim : let's go we are getting late
Joon : yeah let me get the files

After 15 minutes
Tae was sitting on a sofa watching TV while Mrs Kim was sitting on another sofa weaving something with wool

But Tae trembled when his hyung came back after not so soon holding his file containing all the medical history of Tae hyung and tae's shoe in another handJoon kept the file on the sofa tae was sitting and kneeled in front of tae to make him wear ...

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But Tae trembled when his hyung came back after not so soon holding his file containing all the medical history of Tae hyung and tae's shoe in another hand
Joon kept the file on the sofa tae was sitting and kneeled in front of tae to make him wear his shoe

Tae : (pout) hyung where are u talking me to!!
Joon : hospital for your complete check up

Tae : hyung Im not going there (frustrated , he rebelled)
Joon : yes, u are
Tae : just looked down with an angry pout
Mr Kim : I'm waiting in car
Come fast
Mrs Kim : let me get my other wool

Joon : common get up (sternly) (still on his knees)
Tae : why u always do this u know I hate hospital and even yesterday I took 2 injections , I don't wanna go anywhere,
Joon : (holding his both hands softly) it's just a normal check up tae nothing else y are u soo scared
Okie I promise if you'll corporate
I will give a really really special gift
Tae : (pout got even bigger) i don't want anything
Joon : please my baby common its just a tiny check up
Tae : anii I am not going.😠😠( Stubborn)
Joon :(in his mind he is definitely not gonna listen like this)
enough now! I want you in the car within 5 minutes or else if I came to drag you that wouldn't be good
He got up and left
Tae : (eyes immediately turned teary) aish my head is paining and even hyung is not listening to me, he is so bad he always does this always !!
He got up and was about to wipe his tears with his hoodie sleeves but
Mrs Kim who was listening him all the time held his arms and softly wiped his tears with her hands
Mrs Kim : don't cry he just wants u healthy
I know you are scared but he will definitely take care of you as he never fails to do so like us
(She kissed his head )
Tae was all calm now
Mrs Kim : now go ur dad and hyung is waiting right ? Come
She hold his wrist and went to the car where Mr Kim was sitting beside Joon who was driving
Mrs Kim : go and be calm
Tae :(tae silently with a sad tear stained face sitted on back seat)
will not u come??
he asked hopefully as he pulled the glass down of car window
Mrs Kim cupped his face softly and said I will be waiting for you here okie come fastly
Tae : are u sure??
( he himself don't know why he said soo but it just came to his mind )(eyes turned watery again)
Mrs Kim : (tears in eyes)( her heart scattered listening him but she gathered herself and said)
definitely my baby mumma will be here only
Mr Kim and Joon was also worried for their tae tae holding this much trauma
Then they bid bye to Mrs Kim and left to hospital
Whole ride tae was silently sitting looking outside the window
While Joon and Mr Kim glancing at him every few minutes

Pls vote and do comment ur ideas it helps me write as I newbie

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