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Doc was preparing 2 shots outside the room to not scare the already terrified boy
Joon sat beside him on the bed and softly called him

Joon: Bear come to hyungie
Tae didn't move from his place
Joon signed and scooped him gently in his lap like a koala
Joon : why my baby crying so hard, ( gently wiping his tears)
Tae : sobbed loudly
Joon : shh my sugarplum is already having such high fever 🤒, still crying (rubbing his back gently)
Tae : I know now I gonna get injections
And sobbed more loudly
Joon : (chuckled and smiled ) ohh!
Then who told my heartu
To Eat Ice cream every night by sneaking out , To play in rain for 3 hours straight, To go on long ride at 2:30 in morning without any warm clothes in the open roof car (tae favorite and first car from modelling) , and....
Tae : (snuggled being embarrassed that his hyung knows all this doing for last whole week, he being a whole reckless jerk easily to his own self,) sorry

Doc entered in the room with prepared shots

Joon : okay now be my good boy

Tae just crying knowing there is no way he could escape from those scary needles
Tae : (grasping Joon tightly looking at Namjoon with big watery eyes)
H_hyun_gie pl_ease_eee 🥺
Joon:( pecked his forehead lovingly and
Held him tightly so that he can't move , and slided his pajamas down from the side)Shh hyungie is here na calm down my plum

Doc made his hold at the area and injected the first one
As the needle pierced his skin
Tae : ammm.. ( mumbled in joon's shoulder) ahhhh... AaHhhhh
Joon: my bear is so brave , my baby just few more seconds
Tae : hy_ung_ie hur_ting
Tae : AHHHHHHHHHH (he screamed as the liquid entering burns)
Joon : done and done see bear first one is over already
Doc bandaged the spot and pierced another side
Tae : a_h_h_hhhhhhh....... ( couldn't able to form words anymore snuggling trying to hide himself in his hyungie chest)

Soon the doc bandaged the another spot as well and made his clothes properly
Doc : and here the prescriptions
Take care of him
And he left mr Kim accompanied him to the main door

Joon called at the kitchen
And asked one of the helper to bring ice pack while Mrs Kim was preparing porridge for tae

Joon : baby please calm down my sweetu ur fever will increase this way
Tae : (a whole sobbing mess chocking on air and coughing badly) h_u_r_t
Joon : made him drink few sipps of water and starts to roam around the room with tae still clinging to him like a koala

Helper :majji
56yearz old
Took care of tae when his mother left

Majji give him the ice pack and left immediately knowing the needed privacy

Joon : peeled off the bandage from one side and pressed the ice pack making tae Yelp
Tae: ahh no pleeewww
Joon : just few minutes it will shoo the pain away
And repeated the same with other side

Soon he made him sleep and tucked him in bed gently

In meantime
Mrs Kim prepared the porridge and a karha ( a homemade medicine drink)
Mr Kim received the prescription from joon online and went to pharmacy to buy the medicines himself

Mrs Kim entered in the room to find
Tae sleeping while holding joon's hand very tightly as if he gonna run
His face totally red and eyes badly swollen she kept the tray at bed side table and sit near him on bed , hesitately asked he cried?
Joon : yeah he did, bcz of injections
Mrs Kim : he is 25 and still scared of injections , ahh when will this boy grow up
Joon : (frustrated by his parents who keep telling his brother to change but decided to not get into a quarrel near tae)
Mr Kim entered and handed joon medicines
Joon: u could have asked anyone else
Mr Kim : it's ok
Joon : he is allergic to paracetamol (stated casually)
Mr Kim : ohh
Mrs Kim : how it wasn't from childhood
Joon :( remember the time when tae wanted to give up on life and consumed overdose of the tablets , after that whenever he had it , some allergic reactions were visible) it happened after you guys left
Mrs Kim has a sad and worried expression
Joon : don't worry I will feed him once he is awake
U know what I have to arrange a gift now for him
Mr Kim : his birthday is not anyway close
Joon : anni its bcz he cried lot today yet was brave enough to not throw much tantrums for injections so he deserves a reward

Joon was trying to tell his parents some details about their youngest to help them mix up well

Mr Kim : common Joon he is 25
OR ELSE HE WILL NEVER GROW UP ( shouted frustratingly)

To be continued....

When they left Joon request and even begged them to either take tae with them or come back bcz he was so much depressed
Once he even video called them cutting his vein but his father called Joon to handle him for the night and will home back tomorrow
he did come but started to beat the hell out of tae with belt saying "do u want us behind the bars u foolish shit "

Namjoon was at college at the college at that time
Mr Kim left before he came
He was shocked to Witness tae(age : 15 yrs) locked in his room from outside and open and was agitated at his father
From that moment he decided to not involve their parents in tae's matter and treat him like his son

He took break from college for 2 months and gave time to tae accompanied him to a psychologist and did all he could to gave the ability to live a childhood

Namjoon want his brother to freely rely on him , as he needed one the most

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