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They waited for the medicine to kick in
After few minutes doc checked his pulse and heartbeat

Doc : I have to inject him at the bottom
And he got up from the stool to prepare the shot

This was another doc who has become Joon good friend over time as he attend tae most of the time when his senior doc is not there

Joon : (looked at tae who was not speaking anything just hiccupping and some soft sobs were heard ) he sighed and pulled tae to make him stand on the floor

Tae didn't looked up and Clinged back to his hyung's chest whining a little while standing on the floor

Joon somehow untied the strings of his pyjamas and lowered it a little bit from the side hugging him gently back

Doc : without any prior warning he quickly inserted the needle not before wiping the area once with alcohol swab

This sudden prick made tae golt heavily and he pushed Joon unknowingly making the doc withdrawn it the same moment

Doc : bud!!( he yelled sternly)

Tae being scared of his hyung's anger for his stupidity ( as the needle could break into his skin) walked backwards until the wall hits his back

Joon : TAEHYUNG !!!
Tae : (flinched) sor_ry h_yung b_b_b-ut i_t h_urted

Joon : come here this instant (he asked while clenching his jaw)

Tae didn't moved from his place , he just looked down and weeped in embarrassment

Joon : stand up and pulled him by forearm not before giving a prominent smack on his thigh which made him yelp

Tae : ahhhh!! Hyung sorry please I swear I didn't mean to , please sorry......(he said Stuttering)

Joon held his both hands in one hand and his ear with other hand and twisted his ear

Tae yelped in pain but didn't had the courage to face his hyung

Doc : okay! So hold him

Joon being a softy for his baby left his hands and ear immediately and asked him gently

Joon : wanna hug!

Tae immediately snuggled into him

Doc wiped the other side this time and injected him

Tae : (struggle a bit) ahhhhh!! Ssss hy_ungieeee!!!

Joon : done Bubba done

Soon it was done

Doc: I will be back in some time with the discharge papers

And I want to have a talk then
He left

Tae : he was sobbing quietly in joon's chest
Joon consoled him with sweet nothings and then laid him on the bed again


After 45 minutes
In doc office
Joon and tae are sitting in front of the doc

Tae had already changed into his casual clothes that Joon said the driver to get from home only

Tae had already changed into his casual clothes that Joon said the driver to get from home only

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