Chapter 2

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So we get to Kalels place and her boyfriend Anthony greets me with a smile. "Hey Anthony." I said."Hey y/n. I glad you will be living with us for a while." He said kindly."Me too!" He points me towards the guest room upstairs and I start unpacking and moving some of my things. I don't think I'm going to in pack too much because I'm going to start looking for a roommate tomorrow.

Finally I'm done unpacking.( you head downstairs and find Kalel playing with buki and pip while Anthony is vlogging it." And this is our temporary roommate y/n!" Anthony said. I waved and said hi. " Well I think we are going to eat dinner and then go to bed. speaking of dinner, what's for dinner babe?" Anthony said to the camera, then pointed it towards Kalel." Well I think we are gonna have that pasta that I make all the time, you know with the Alfredo sauce. it's gonna be so yummy."
Anthony points the camera at me and says," your gonna love it because Kalel is the best cook ever!" He shuts the camera off and sits with Kalel and starts playing with the cats. I go back to my room and check Twitter while I wait for dinner. Suddenly I see a tweet from Joey-Graceffa saying that he and his roommate Sawyer are looking for a roommate. I remember Kalel mentioning Joey. they are good friends. so maybe we can go there tomorrow, I gotta talk to her though. I head downstairs to the kitchen," hey Kalel you know Joey graceffa right?( she nods) well I saw a tweet that he posted and it says he is looking for a roommate and I was wondering if we could stop by his place tomorrow if you don't Mind."
" Sure! Hold on a sec and I'll give you his number so you can call him."
"Thanks Kalel!"
She gives me his number and I call him

- heyy is this Joey graceffa?
- yup who is this?
- I'm y/n, Kalel gave me your number so I could talk to you for a second.
- ok what is it?
- well I saw your tweet about wanting a roommate and I need a place to stay and....( he cuts me off)
- say no more! You can stop by my place tomorrow and we can talk. how does 3:00 sound?
- great! Thank you!
- anytime. I'll see you tomorrow bye!
- bye!
" We are going to his place at three tomorrow!" I tell Kalel excitedly.
"Great! Now get in here and eat!"
After I finished eating I got in the shower and got in bed.

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