6. 'Hang Out'

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*Luke's POV*

            I pulled into my drive way wondering if I had pissed off Christian and if he would even talk to me tomorrow. The most likely answer to that question would be no. Because when it came to that kid he was as stubborn as a fucking mule.

            I pulled my keys out of the ignition, got out of the car, and then headed inside. "You've been out a lot today," I heard my mom say from the living room. I walked into the living room to find her sitting on the couch, her black hair up in a messy bun and a bowl of ice cream in her hands watching her favorite reality TV show.

            "Hey," I said walking over and kissing her on the forehead before sitting down beside her. "Where's Isaac?"           

            "In his room watching his cartoons."

            I chuckled. "You know he gets mad when you call them that."

            "Well, they are cartoons," she said before gesturing towards her ice cream and asking me if I wanted any. I told her no and it was silent for a moment, the sound of the television filling the space before she turned to me, her green eyes bright and lively. "A little birdy tells me that you found your soul mate," she said grinning.

            "That little shit," I muttered glancing up at the staircase where I knew my younger brother was shut away in his room.

            "Who is she?" my mom asked sitting up in her seat and turning her body to face me. I glanced up at the ceiling and sighed. "C'mon, don't be like that," she said shoving my arm. "Is she cute?"

            "Very cute," I said, still not able to meet her eyes.

            "What does she look like? Is she tall, short, skinny, chubby? What color's her hair; her eyes? I want to see her!" she yelled the last part as she violently shook me.

            "She's a he."

            "Oh," she said sitting back and staring at me with wide eyes. "Are you mad about that?"


            Mom grinned, "Bring him over for dinner tomorrow night."

            "I'll ask him, but I don't know if he'll come."

            "Why wouldn't he come?"

            I glanced over at her and then back to the television before sighing deeply. "He's not exactly the nicest person to get along with."

            "Is he being mean to my baby?" she asked, her eyebrows raised in her 'Oh, hell no' kind of look.

            "Well, he has a good reason to."


            I looked over at her and smiled before standing up and saying, "I'm going to bed."

            "Ugh," she groaned. "Goodnight, baby, love you."

            "Love you, too," was the last thing I said before going to sleep that night.


            I stood by the entrance of the school watching the students walk in. Some said hi as they passed, but I paid them no attention as I usually did. I wasn't a kind person and I wasn't talkative, so I could only wonder why people ever bothered with me. The only time I really talked to someone was if I liked them and there weren't a lot of people I liked.

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