3. Scary Movies and a Doctor?

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            In the morning I woke up to the blaring of the alarm on my phone. I groaned, sitting up and wiping a hand over my face. I knew that if I let it ring and didn’t get up right then and there I wouldn’t be getting out of bed that day. I stumbled around before I made it to the bathroom and went through my regular morning routine.

            Once I was finished I made my way downstairs, got myself a bowl of cereal, and sat down at the table. This was how my mornings usually went. I wake up, get ready, and then sit here waiting for Jake. I was nearly done with my cereal when I heard a honk outside. I gulped down my cereal before putting the bowl in the sink, and heading out the door with my bag.

            I opened the front door to find a car that was nowhere near what Jake’s looked like. Sitting in my drive way was a black 2002 Ford Mustang. I felt my eyebrows knit together in confusion. The door opened and out stepped Luke. He was a wearing a pair of black sunglasses and the regular asshole attire which, not surprisingly, included a leather jacket. “Why are you here?” I asked.

            His lips quirked into a small smile. “To give you a ride, of course.”

            I stared at him for a few seconds before turning sharply and walking away. “What the hell are you doing?” he yelled from behind me.

            “Walking.” I said, putting my headphones in my ears and pulling my hoodie over my head. Before I could turn my music on I could hear Luke pulling his car up beside me and following me down the street.

            “Christian,” he yelled, his car moving slowly beside me. “Get in the car!” I took out my phone and scrolled through my songs, looking for something nice and loud to drown out Luke’s voice. “Don’t ignore me, you little shit!” was the last thing I heard before putting on Skeleton by Ghost Town.

I walked for about half of the song before I felt myself being lifted off the ground, bridal style. I yelped before pulling off my head phones and glancing back at Luke. “What the fuck are you doing!?” I yelled gripping onto his jacket so I wouldn’t fall.

“You know for someone who looks so skinny, you weigh half a ton.” Luke said, glancing at me with a small smile.

“Put me down,” I said, glaring at him. “This is kidnapping!”

“This is enforcing the law. If I let you walk, you’ll get to school late and miss half the day. I’m just making sure you get to school safely and on time.” He sat me down in the passenger’s seat, before leaning over me and buckling me in. My breath quickened noticeably as my body became aware of just how close Luke was to me. As he pulled away, he paused, his face inches away from mine. His grey eyes glanced from my eyes down to my lips. He licked his lips and bit them before pulling away from me and slamming the car door.

            The ride to school was quiet. It wasn’t until we were pulling into the parking lot that he decided to speak. “So, how did you like the flowers?”

            “Oh, they were lovely.”


            “No.” I said glaring over at him. “I’m not a fucking girl, you know. I don’t like pretty pink roses, and I don’t like heart shaped fucking boxes full of chocolates. You are so stereotypical that it is a wonder how so many girls like you.”

            I reached for the door handle to open the door, but a small click sounded showing that the doors had been locked. I pulled the lock open, but the second I let go the door was locked once again. “What do you want?” I yelled, turning in my seat to face Luke.

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