7. How to Make Sure Your Gecko Doesn't Die Within 10 Days

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     That night I had dinner with Luke's family. I met his younger brother Isaac who was probably the most adorable kid I have ever met (plus he liked anime and that was all the two of us talked about). Danielle had asked the obvious question: what did my parents do, what did I want to be when I grew up and the like. After asking her questions she proceeded with embarrassing stories of Luke which I highly enjoyed. Basically, I had a good time. I couldn't remember the last time I had a family meal and the feel of it made me nostalgic for the times with my own family.

     But let's rewind to before dinner. When I had my almost kiss with Luke, because holy shit what the actual fuck?! What was I thinking? Oh, yeah I fucking wasn't. Jesus Christ when did Luke get so hot and when did I start thinking that he was hot? I don't even know what came over me that night, but I felt like I had no control over my actions. When he started whispering my name and when I heard the sheer lust in his voice I nearly fucking lost it, but then he started kissing my neck and holy shit how I had managed not to jump him was beyond me.

     It's been over two days since I last saw Luke and I was now sitting in my second period English class only slightly questioning my sanity. I had less than forty minutes until I saw him and I was both nervous and excited. What would happen? Would we talk about our almost kiss or would we act like it never happened? I didn't know and I was scared of finding out.

     "Okay, now get your chrome books out and start figuring out what you want to write," Mrs. Williams said. "The rest of the period is yours; don't waste it."

     "What are you going to write yours on?" Jake asked, turning to face me in his seat.

     "Maybe on how to act like I don't give a shit, when in reality, I really do," I answered, logging into my account and pulling up google docs. "What about you?"

     "Yeah, you're good at that," Jake muttered before replying, "but I was thinking something like 'How to Make Sure Your Gecko Doesn't Die Within Ten Days.'"

     "You experienced that situation, so you could definitely do that."

     "I was fucking ten when that happened. How was I supposed to know overfeeding it would kill it?"

     "Maybe because it's common sense?" I asked glancing at him with a raised brow.

     He rolled his eyes and went back to the computer while muttering, "I was ten," under his breath. A few minutes passed before he glanced back up at me. "Hey, since your birthday is in like four days I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie and then go to a haunted house. Michelle and I will pay for everything."

     "Yes!" I almost yelled, but somehow managed to keep my voice down. "Let's do it, we haven't all hung out in a while."

     "Alright, Friday night it is."

     Five minutes before the class was over, my earlier thoughts came creeping back in and I really didn't want to go to gym. "Hey, Jake," I yelled walking over to him where he was now waiting by the door. "Let's not go to third. We can go out to eat, I'll buy."

     "I can't, man. I have a test."

     I groaned, but wasn't given a chance to agonize over it before the bell rang.

     Students ran around the gym, their sneakers slamming into the wooden floor as they did their warm-ups. I was jogging at a slow pace and if anything was evident in this entire gym, it was that Christian Pierce was not an athlete. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I pulled it out, unlocked it, and read the text from Michelle.

     Can I copy your calculus homework? The text read.

     I was in the midst of typing back sure when suddenly my phone was ripped out of my hands. "Hey," I yelled looking up, only to find the culprit on the other side of the gym with my phone in his hands. "Luke!" I yelled, picking up my pace and actually running to get my phone back. I heard him laugh as he started to run faster. He was typing something into my phone and I swear if he did anything life threatening to my baby then he was a dead man.

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