N U M B E R - S E V E N T E E N

245 16 18

Note: there will be violence on the way so please be warned

Twenty-one years ago..

The aftermath argument about arranged marriage plotting..




It was raining heavily in Uraraka's neighborhood and two families were terrified of them not getting home, especially when the sun already set. Akemi couldn't help but bit her nails and goes back and forth from the window where she would look if they came back. Meanwhile, Rei frowned seeing her friend Akemi be aggravated wanting to comfort her. Gou let out a sigh as he looks intensely at the clock and his worries are getting on his nerves.

" That's it I'm going to search Ochako.. " The older brunette takes the umbrella as some of the servants tried to calm down their mistress.

Gou stands up and grabs her wrist turning her around to face him, "You know very well how you get sick so easily staying from the rain, let's just trust the kid bringing back our daughter.. " 

" I knew that this stupid arrange marriage is a bad idea, at such a young age, Gou! " She cried out as tears came down her eyes, " I should have disagreed with this stupid plan not when seeing my daughter being forced to do this..! "

" You were also forced to be married by me, Akemi! " Gou shouted back as he glared down to his wife who began to tremble feeling his grip getting tighter.

" I WOULDN'T AGREE TO IT IF I WASN'T THE PAYMENT DEBT FOR MY FAMILY, I HAD NO CHOICE! " She backfired as she began to wiggle her arm away from his grip and was about to leave the entrance door.

" Mom, I see Sho! " Natsuo shouted as he was peeking from the other window seeing Shoto carrying  Ochako by the gate who still looking sad, looking away from her so-called home. 

The servants began to rush toward the two kids with an umbrella and slowly they finally got inside the mansion as the adults began to swarm both of their two children. 

" Ochako dear! You're safe thank our Kami.. " Akemi rushes towards an injured young brunette carried by Young Todoroki through a piggyback ride.

" She scraped on her knee.. " Shoto explained as Tobita began to aid the young Ochako.

" Danjuro, take Ochako to her room for her to change and I'll follow once I take care of the guests.. " Mrs. Uraraka demanded as she looked at the young Todoroki with a smile, " thank you for bringing her safe and sound, Shoto-kun.. " 

" She's a friend that I care and I don't want to see her in pain, especially when she cares for someone for my other friend.. " He replied while looking at Ochako's mother, who seems to be confused but appreciate his care for her daughter this much.

"I deeply apologize for my daughter's actions.. I hope that your business plans are still on the go.. " Mr. Uraraka said as Ennji nodded.

" We have disobedient children and our efforts on training them were a waste as well.. " Enji replied as the whole Todoroki family began to leave their premises.

" Akemi, please keep me updated okay? " Rei called out to her as she gave a smile.

Akemi waved goodbye as the car finally left the mansion while Gou quickly goes inside, clearly wanting to meet her daughter and a big scold about her behavior towards their guests, especially to the future of their business. Akemi followed as she goes in front of her husband to block him from going upstairs to where their daughter's room is, she looked at him with a glare and he was still confused why his wife wasn't on his side regarding this situation.

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