N U M B E R - T W E N T Y T W O

248 11 14

Shinagawa Prince Hotel, six in the evening, starting event of the premiere 'One for All' series..

" HA HA HA HA! " Toshinori laughed out loud as he was surrounded by other famous people who are credited to the series.

" It is nice to see a work of Nana Shimura once more with your hands, Toshi.. " Sorahiko Torino, one of the original characters in the previous One For All franchise, greeted with a pat on the back of his former student.

" Ack- " Toshinori was about to puke from that impact but kept his composure with a forced smile.

" Grand Torino Sir.. " He muttered his name as another smack felt once more in his back, he could feel it breaking already.

" Where's your little successor? " He asked and began to look around, " The last time I saw him, he was a scrawny little kid and weakling like you.. "

" From what I heard, he would bring along his friends and young Bakugou as well.. " Mr Yagi stated as he stood up straight and rubbed the back where he got hit.

" Ahh.. Well, I'm glad the kid is still in good shape.. " Torino nodded and smiled, " Did the kid actually find someone? unlike you.. "

" Do you have to point that one out, sir.. " Toshinori looked away not wanting to see his flustered face when it's about love.

" What.. " The old man then walks forward while observing the people in front of him, " you did fall in love once with a stylist before and- "

" Master Torino! " All Might forcefully cover his master's mouth feeling more embarrassed.

He got pinched by the ear and the older blonde actor whimpered in pain, " I'm only telling the truth and you never got to see that woman again..! "

" Mr. All Might? " The two turned around seeing the green-haired actor with a smile on his face.

" Young Midoriya! You're earlier than I anticipated this evening.. " All Might exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

" Ahh well.. I wanted to check everything before my friends came inside.. " Deku said as he rubbed the back of his neck, his black with hidden green from the inner stitches and white suit really fit him as the main character.

" You look dashing as before, Midoriya.. " Torino then smacked his back getting his guard off and making his stand unbalanced resulting in a fall, " and need more training.. "

" R-RIght sir.. " Deku coughed and whimpered feeling that sting at his back.

" Anywho, where's your other friend..? " The old man asked as Deku slowly stood up.

" K-Kacchan will be on his way along with my other friends as well.. " Midoriya smiled both of his sensei he respected, " I'm happy to see you in person once again, Master Grand Torino.. I thought that you were in your dojo training school, I also wonder when I could come and help out as well.. "

" Ahh, there's no need really.. " Grand Torino replied as he looked both Yagi and Midoriya closely at the big improvements they had individually, " I'm excited to see you in action, for real this time, Midoriya.. It is heartbreaking that Nana isn't here to witness your student Toshi.. "

" She will always looking after me with the projects I've been doing for the past decades and you're there to witness for me.. " Toshinori stated as he gave his signature smile.

" Well, I should go and check out the buffet section.. " Torino then began to walk away while sending his regards to the crew working, leaving the mentor and student together.

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