Chapter One

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I wake up from the cold breeze of the Slytherin dungeons, to see that I'm  the only one remaining in the dormitory, I look out the dormitory windows to see a fresh layer of white snow covering the already frozen lake. I've always loved this time of year, despite my appearance I quite enjoy the happiness and cheer that comes along with the holidays, however this year is different... my parents and I got into quite a fight before the school year began because they weren't happy about my returning to Hogwarts after the Great War.
The War.
I remember it all, the guilt, the bloodshed; lives lost.
I had fought alongside the Dark Lord with my parents and my best friend...
Draco. Draco I remember him being so afraid and sad but he could never betray his mother and father no matter if it was bad or not.
And with that though I hear a voice at the door.

"Y/n, are you up? We should be going soon if we want to be there before lunch." Draco said.

Shit, I had forgotten about that completely. Draco has invited me to stay with him and his father at the manor for the holidays, since my issue with my parents I didn't want to go back there for the holidays at all. I quickly turned around to him, with a small shiver, it was really quite freezing in the Slytherin dungeons.

"Oh good morning Draco! I'm so sorry I forgot I was going with you today, I slept in too long.." I replied.

" That's alright, just try to hurry" he looked at me seeing I was still in my green pajamas " And get dressed would you." He said turning to leave.

As he shut the door I turned to find my outfit I had actually laid out the night before, it was a black tight skirt accompanied with a forest green sweater vest and gray turtle neck to go under it. I pulled on my clothes, quite pleased with myself. I really love my style, then I pulled on my knee length gray socks and my black buckle shoes, I walked over to the mirror to admire my outfit, and myself of course... I mean I am the prettiest witch in my year as all the Slytherin say. Lastly I pulled out my wand and gave it a wave to put some black eyeliner and black eyeshadow on, it really complimented my green eyes quite well. When I was finally ready and all packed I headed downstairs to the common room to see Draco waiting for me with a look on his face like he was waiting for hours, he is really quite dramatic.

He looked to me as I made it downstairs " Finally. Y/n you really do take forever, now let's get going" he said with a smirk.

I looked and him and giggled " Oh calm down Mr. Drama Queen." I pulled my wand out and looked at him with a questioning expression.

" Are we apparating? Orrr taking the train?" I asked with a slightly annoyed face.

" Apparting, duh." He said as he pulled his wand out, grabbing his ridiculously small bag of stuff to take with him. I mean it's his house we're going to. He doesn't need that much does he.

I grabbed my luggage, which was just a small trunk and book bag which I charmed so it could fit more items into it. I grabbed Draco's hand and he pulled his wand out, giving it a wave to apparate us, then I felt a whoosh and as soon as I opened my eyes I saw it. In front of my eyes was a beautiful house, or rather a manor, it was huge with a gravel pathway that led to a big iron gate that turned to a substance that you could walk through, only Draco could make this enchantment work though. Beside the path were tall hedges, perfectly trimmed as though they used magic on them to keep them looking that way. As we neared the front entrance I turned my head and saw a pure white peacock bird, it was stunning but at the same time very unique.

Finally, we reached the front door of the manor and Draco knocked on the door, a little odd if you ask me considering he lives here. After a second knock the door opened revealing a tall muscular man, with long platinum blonde hair, mirroring Draco's, this must be Draco's father.

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