Chapter Two

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It's the next morning and I wake up to a white light shining into my room through the crack in the curtains, I try to get myself out of bed, however it is actually quite difficult considering how soft and comfortable this mattress and these blankets are. After stubbornly staying in bed for a few too many minutes I finally lift myself up out of bed, stretching nearly every part of my body trying to wake myself up furthermore, then pulling on a robe I walk over to the large window and open the curtains revealing the beautiful snow sparkling in the morning sun. This is what made me love the wintertime so much, the unbelievably beautiful shimmer of fresh snow on a sunny day and glistening ice on the limbs of trees, never fails to make me feel warm inside regardless of the fact that it's really quite cold outside the comfort of these walls.

I gathered myself to pick an outfit to wear for the day, nothing too fancy but something still fashionable yet comfortable, since Draco and I hadn't planned any activities for the day I had no need go dress up a ridiculous amount, so I pull on some gray plaid trousers with a slightly oversized forest green knit sweater accompanied with a muggle brand of shoes called Doc Martens I believe. Once I was all cleaned up and dressed I made my way downstairs for breakfast, to my surprise, there was a full spread on the dining room table for three people. Impressive. I smiled as I saw Draco and pulled out the chair straight across from him at the table.

"Good morning y/n! Sleep well?" He asked, with a soft smile on his lips.

I loved to see Draco smile, it warmed my heart because he never did smile that often.

"Yes I did, definitely the best night's sleep I've had in a long time " I replied with a laugh.

Draco smiled and spoke again" So, y/n, I was thinking we could take a trip to Hogsmeade today for some light shopping and some lunch" he said as he picked at his waffles as a child would " What do you think?".

I must say I was definitely taken aback by this announcement, I was under the impression that Draco and I were spending the first day in. However a day out and about did not at all sound unpleasant, I would quite enjoy a day of some shopping and a nice meal in the village, perhaps with a few mates.

I replied " But of course, Draco, I would be delighted to join you to Hogsmeade." I said in a mocking tone " Although I must say, I'm quite surprised by this request " I smiled at him lifting my cup of coffee to him.

I went to get a spoonful of fresh fruit from the bowl in front of me, my hand grazing Lucius's as he was grabbing for the same thing, this interaction made the hair on my arms stand up no matter how small and simple the touch. Lucius looked up at me over his Daily Prophet newspaper he was reading, with narrow eyes, as if I had done something terribly wrong. I quickly retracted my hand letting him take the spoon if he still wanted it, I looked down at my hands in my lap, fiddling with the hem of my knit sweater trying to hide the nervousness I felt.

Lucius placed his newspaper down beside him on the table and looked to me to say " My apologies darling, please do help yourself." He shot me a crooked smile.

Draco shot us both a look, slightly confused with his father's expression, then turned to me and said " So y/n, what time would you prefer we head to the village? I'd like to invite a few mates along"

"Nobody special, just Pansy and Blaise" He reassured.

I looked to Draco with a small giggle " Anytime is fine with me Dray, 3:30 perhaps?" I suggested.

"Perfect!" Draco said, quickly getting up from the table to head to his bedroom, nodding to his father before leaving the room as if asking permission to excuse himself.

The time was 2:45, I had just finished putting on some makeup for Draco and I's outing to Hogsmeade, I couldn't be seen looking anything but perfect amongst the other students of Hogwarts. The look I had applied was only a little different from my usual black eyeshadow and eyeliner, for this occasion I had added a touch of shimmery green on top of my black shadow, for the perfect pop of color, and of course a little lipstick. As I was finished freshening up for the evening, I made my way over to Draco's room knocking on his door, he sure was taking a long time to get ready for just a night out with friends, he'd been in his room since he left the table this morning after breakfast.

As I went to knock a second time the door flung open, revealing Draco wearing dark green trousers, a dark gray turtleneck sweater, and a cloak that went right past his knees. Draco seemingly was dressed as if we were headed to a fancy restaurant with dates, was Draco meeting up with someone he fancied? Oh! Perhaps Harry Potter, Draco had fancied Potter since our third year at Hogwarts, but of course he'd never let anyone else know that so he made himself out to be a bully.

I smiled brightly at the sight of Draco's extravagant outfit " Expecting to see someone special tonight are we, Draco?" My smile turned into a little smirk.

Displeased by my suggestive comment he said " What? No of course not, why would you think that? Ridiculous!" He snarled, face blushing.

I teased him saying " Shh.. I'll keep your secret, Dray." Pushing him on the shoulder.

And with that we headed downstairs to leave, as we reached the bottom of the stairs I caught a glimpse of none other than Lucius Malfoy himself, eyeing me as we neared him where he was standing by the front door. My nerves were already racing, just seeing this man's face, this man's eyes, made me lose control of my thoughts.

As we reached the front door to exit, Lucius looked me over and his icy blue eyes narrowed as a smirk approached his lips.

" You two look lovely" he said to Draco and I, his eyes not leaving mine.

" Do have a good evening, and Draco, don't cause any trouble with Miss y/n we wouldn't want her leaving on us too soon" Lucius said as his smirk grew into a smile, taking my hand in both of his, pressing a kiss on the top of it.

After that, Draco and I exited the manor, I shivered but smiled at the beauty of the snow that laid perfectly over the landscape and over the hedges. We walked down the pathway reaching the gates, but stopped as Draco turned to say something to me.

" Listen, don't say anything to Pansy or Blaise about Potter, ok? I'm not sure I want to tell them yet, they're not the most understanding people." He said with a nervous smile.

I put a hand on his arm and reassured him " Of course not Dray, I would never share a secret that isn't mine, especially if you aren't comfortable with it" I smiled softly.

Draco chuckled softly " Also, if my father is being weird or something with you just let me know, I certainly don't want you to be uncomfortable here " he added.


I blushed ever so slightly and replied " Of course."

And with that we were apparating to our first destination in the village of Hogsmeade.


I'm definitely quite pleased with this chapter, it definitely adds more to the relationship between y/n and Draco. But with some tension with Lucius of course

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