Chapter Six

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As I hear Lucius and Draco just outside my door arguing I can't help but relax into the soft surface of the mattress as my mind begins to wander and tune out the noise as I allow myself to acknowledge how Lucius, a man who I just met only a few days ago, took me out of that bar all bloodied and bruised without needing to. Without any prompting he saw me hurting and saved me, I question why he did and I also let myself blush knowing that I do feel a strange connection and attraction to this man. As i'm in my feelings and blushing here in the comfort of my bed I jump hearing the door creep open again, turning to see none other than Lucius enter.

I watch with my heart racing in my chest as Lucius draws nearer, eventually taking a seat in the chair beside my bed. God I hope the nervousness I feel isn't as apparent as it feels...

"I'm back, love," Lucius says looking at me with a sort of softness on his face, making my face grow hot however I try to keep my composure.

I squirm a bit in my place as I begin to feel like he is so close to me, a smirk growing on his lips as his eyes study me. Fuck he is insanely handsome...

Lucius leans closer to me, his finger tracing along my jawline to my chin lifting me gaze to meet his, "Darling, why do you blush? Do I make you nervous?" He asks with a smirk.

"Umm... N-No why... why would you think th-that?" I ask, my broken speech betraying my intention to hide my nervousness that is clearly obvious as Lucius cups my face, brushing his thumb over my cheek.

"You're blushing, you're stuttering, you're..." he leans closer, his breath brushing against my ear, "hot." Lucius adds with a sense of seduction behind his voice, sending a shiver down my spine.

"I... I'm not.." I lie straight through my teeth, my shaky voice not helping my deception. Lucius let's out a sigh and his hand grasps my jaw tightly forcing my gaze on him, causing my heart rate to rise and my breathing to become erratic before he moves closer to me, his face barely an inch away from mine. The air between us hot and thick with tension.

"Don't lie to me." Lucius breathes out in a sharp exhale, his eyes darting between my eyes and lips. Both of us frozen; still in this moment, neither one of us speaking.

After a few moments of nothing but excruciating tense silence, Lucius, without saying a word releases me and gets up looking me over one more time with that intoxicating smirk before leaving my room with no explanation. Leaving as if nothing just happened, as if I've done something wrong. I watch as he leaves and closes my door, letting out a deep sigh as if I didn't breathe that whole time, my hand clutching my chest that's home to my still racing heart, I fall back against the headboard.

"Holy shit..." I breathe out silently, my mind racing with questions about what the hell just happened.

It was midnight, hearing a knock at my door I'm awaken from my sleep, I carefully carry myself to the door to open it but the person I see is not whom I expected it to be. Lucius Malfoy. " Lucius?" I say in a tired and confused tone as I rub my eyes, "What-" I'm not able to get my words out as Lucius lunges forward, grabbing my face with his strong hands pressing his lips firmly to mine. I hesitate as I am in shock, however slipping into bliss as I melt into him, my lips moving against his and my hands sliding into his soft blonde hair that seems softer than even the softest silk. As I let myself move closer, my tongue slipping into his mouth and my lips growing hungrier I am pulled away, my breathing erratic like that of a runner. My eyes open to see Lucius, his chest rising heavily with each of his breaths as he looks into my eyes before picking me up into his arms quickly, placing me down onto my bed before then rising up towering over me as he removes his shirt revealing his muscular figure. As I lie here watching him I seem to lose my breath, unable to process any of what is happening in this moment before he then crawls on top of me slowly, grabbing the waistband of my pants and pulling them off of my body leaving goosebumps in their wake. I feel his hands then take hold of my lace underwear, slowly pulling them off but before they're off everything goes black and he is gone.

I wake up in a sweat, my breathing heavy and my heart racing, my head spinning with thoughts and few of them pure giving the dream I just woke up from, completely ashamed of the place my sub conscious just took me to. What is wrong with me? I wonder as I lie here awake in my bed completely unable to fall back to sleep and honestly a bit afraid to as I feel ashamed for what I just dreamt of. Lucius is my best friend's father I should not be thinking of him this... I'm driving myself crazy.

Snap out of it y/n.

I know this is a very short chapter but I feel nothing else was needed here ;)

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