grooming xxx

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the werehog took the angry teen back to the bedroom and drop him on the bed much to sonic relief as he quickly checked if he had any injuries from the sharp teeth, luckily he didn't but look straight back to the larger werehog that went on the bed himself, sitting on top of the blue legs to stop sonic from moving.

Sonic: get your butt off me, you oversizeEEKK!'

the werehog lick the peached belly up to the teen's chest, causing him to yelp from the moist limb leaving a trail of damp fur on his body before wanting to swing at the beast again but had his arm pinned on the bed by the two large paws with its owner continuing to lick the teen all over his body.

Sonic: argh...stop!.ah!

the rough tongue slid up to Sonic's sensitive chest and then to his necks and now was placing the tip inside his ear making sonic want to moan but refused to when he realise that the beast was aiming at his sensitive spots on purpose.

sonic could only breath heavily though his nose to keep his mouth shut so he wouldn't feel ashamed from being triggered by the beast but suddenly gasp when he was lick from the neck again before being muffled with the large tongue sliding in his mouth and down to his throat causing him to chock a few times before his gag reflexes became immune to it.

sonic had his eyes closed the whole time and was never aware that the full moon has faded and the werehog was slowly turning back to it's original form. sonic soon felt the tongue shrink down to a normal size.

he finial opened his eyes as it pulled away from his mouth and saw shadow sitting above him licking his lips with a amusing smirk on his face as he look down to the confused teen.

Sonic: shadow?...were you the beast that was sexually assaulting me!

sonic growled at the now black hedgehog that could only laugh at the teens reaction as he try to defend himself

Shadow: for your information, I was grooming and putting my scent on you, not assaulting you. your the one that took it sexually

Sonic: you damn liar, you were licking me in those spots on purpose!

the blue teen try to wiggle out of the others grip but found the black hedgehog to be much stronger than he was with him then moving towards sonic neck and took a deep breath in

Shadow: I can smell you scent meaning your in heat again

Sonic: and who's fault is that, asshole!. now get off of me!

Shadow: I will, but first I have to satisfied your needs and desire

Sonic: my needs and desire is for you to get off me so I..Aaah..QUIT IT!

sonic shouted but the request fell on death ears as shadow continue to kiss and nibble on the sensitive neck before moving on to the others lips. not wanting to fight back since he started to feel weak again, letting shadow do anything as he kissed back with the same amount of lust from before.

shadow leg go of the teens arms only for sonic to wrap them around his neck as the kiss was deepened into a make out while shadow trailed his hands around the teens rear only to notice he was leaking his own lubrication, using one hand to wrap around the teens member and kept  it there.

shadow had no reason to wait since he was aroused himself with his member already erect and slam it straight in the entrance causing sonic to gasp and moan loudly with the voice echoing around the room.

the teen then made a moan each time shadow slammed into him from the many powerful thrust making the teen droll from the pleasure he was receiving when his prostate was pushed into.

wrapping his legs around shadow waist they both enjoyed the feeling of the well lubricated walls be thrusted into the warm silky entrance with both of them feeling they were about to burst out their juices that was quickly rushing thought their groins.

Sonic: Aaahh~Haaaah~s.stop your gonna make me~Hyaaaaah'🤍

at the same time he was thrusting into the teen he had his hand moving with every movement giving a hand job along with the pleasure from the entrance making it too much for sonic to hold in only to suddenly release all over shadows hand while shadow did the same deep inside the other.

after getting their breaths back shadow pulled out leaving sonic entrance become empty with the warm fluids leaking out.

Shadow: that should satisfy you for a while, at least till your back on your feet

sonic was still dazed from the pleasure he took as shadow covered the teen and snuggled up to him, hoping sonic to go to sleep however, sonic had other ideas when he came back to his senses.

Sonic: hang on, no way am I sleeping covered in this mess as well as being next to you till I get answers!

shadow rolled his eyes to Sonic's request but got up anyway as he though the teen was right and also felt that he could use a bath as he sat there in silent with sonic going to question what he was doing till there was a knock on the door.

the door opened and a pink hedgehog came in with a big smile on her face when she saw the two males covered in the bed before asking

?: the bath should be ready soon, would you like me to also change the sheets my lord's

Sonic: lord?

 sonic question as he look at shadow thinking that he was lying when they first met considering he never thought the dark lord would be more angry looking and serious

Shadow: yes I am the real dark lord you mortal refer me to, so you can stop doubting that I am my little mate

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