The life in New York

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Pavitr ran across the school hallway, his hands full of books and with the hall being full of people. It was really hard to just move around in such a stuffed school, why did they accept so many new students anyways? He didn't complain though, he was lucky he got in, even though he kind of expected it because he was a smart guy. This school was a lot different from the one in Mumbai. It was where he came from and there, students walked politely to the side of the hall. In here, people went whichever way they wanted to go, making it difficult to get anywhere. Hell, even the toilets were filled with people! The new life he started here welcomed him with many surprises, he had to take notes of everything the natives did, since he did everything differently.
Where was he rushing? He was on his way to his locker to leave his books there and then he had to meet his two friends, Miles and Gwen. After he finally got to his locker, he opened it and shoved the books inside. He then shut it close and started running to the rooftop. He ran, because he was already really late and for him, coming late was extremely rude. When he got to the rooftop, he immediately spotted his friends. There were many more of them than he expected, Miles and Gwen were surrounded by about five more people. He approached them and they all noticed him, the two of his friends waving to him, waiting for him to walk closer.

"Hey Pav! You came!" , Gwen smiled.

"Yeah, sorry I'm late." , he apologised.

"It's alright man, you didn't miss anything." , Miles patted Pav on his shoulder.

"Hey Miles, who's this nerd fella?" , one of the other friends Pav didn't know chuckled, making the others look straight at him.

"Guys, this is Pavitr, you're met him before." , Miles reminded them.

Pav just chuckled slightly, but hated the fact they called him a nerd. Did he really look like one? He snapped from his short thought when Gwen spoke up.

"Mm, guys, let's go to a café nearby after school, yeah? We'll catch up with the stuff from weekend there."

"Ahh, sorry, I'm busy after school." , one of the friends said.

"I have basketball today, sorry." , another one added.

"We are going somewhere else after school." , another friend pointed at two others.

"I am kinda busy today too, soooo..." , Miles added.

Gwen looked at him with an annoyed expression and cut him off.

"No, you will definitely go." , she made her decision for him, so that at least the three of them could go.

"I am free today." , Pav said more quietly.

"Good! Meet us in front of school then." , her face turned back to a happy one.

Just then, the school bell rang and they parted ways. They were all the same age, so they were in the same grade, but the classes were split in two and Pav was in a different group than his other two friends.
After he sat through easy but boring classes, he took his school bag and went outside. The three found each other and were on their way to the café. When they arrived, the café was full to the brim. The waiting line was so long, some people were outside.

"Let's just go somewhere else-"

"No, this is my favourite café." , Gwen cut off Miles, who was ready to walk off.

They talked while waiting for their turn and after what felt like forever, they finally ordered their coffee. Well, with Pavitr ordering tea, since he preferred it more. They were on their way outside, when Pav bumped into someone tall. He looked up and he instantly locked eyes with the stranger. He had a dark skin, big black puffy hair wicks and was dressed in what looked like punk fashion. He was holding a cup with his drink and that's when Pav noticed his rings on his fingers and the piercings on his face. He looked really cool to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" , Pav apologised, blushing a little from embarrassment. It happened every time he met a cool-looking person.

"T'is okay." , the tall stranger looked down at him.

"Pav, you coming?" , Gwen called to him from the outside of the coffee shop.

"Ah, yeah!" , he ran outside. There, he looked back inside to see the cool stranger, but he was already gone.

Met by fate [A CHAIPUNK fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now