The unforgettable evening

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As Pav was approaching the guitar shop, he saw someone walking opposite him. The person was tall...yes, tall meant it was Hobie. As he got closer, his prediction was confirmed by the tall one with wicks and a crazy sense of fashion. He waved at his direction, to which he got a small raise of a hand as a greeting.

"Hey!" , Pav greeted him, secretly really excited.

"C'mon, let's walk 'round and you tell me 'bout yourself." , Hobie motioned with his hand for Pav to go next to him, turning around.

The two walked around streets, getting to know eachother. And to Pav's surprise, he actually saw a slightly different side of the other one. A side where he chuckled more and was more friendly.
They walked under the huge building, blinded by tons of lights from each side, with people all around them. They laughed, they joked, they sat, they ran. From another person's perspective, they looked like two friends that knew each other for a long time.
Pav knew this was something special. Developing the friendship so fast in a matter of a few days, unwrapping a person's personality so easily, making them like him that much even though he was pretty ordinary. This was definitely no coincidence, this was fate. And Pav felt that every second he was with Hobie.
As the two sat on an edge of a building, looking below them onto all the commotion, Pav couldn't help but focus his eyes on him. He looked at him and the thoughts, the thoughts he had in that second. It was all so fast, sure, but he felt such a strong connection. It was a little too weird, though. What was this feeling? It was more than just some ordinary friendship, but what was it exactly? He got so lost, he didn't notice Hobie looking back at him in the corner of his eye.

"Ya alright, mate?" , Hobie smiled with a slightly confused look.

"Oh, it's nothing! Sorry."

Crap! He was looking at him for too long! But he brushed it off pretty quickly and they returned to their looking at the view. That's when Hobie got a notification on his phone. He looked at it and his expression completely changed.

"Shit...Sorry mate, gotta go. See ya another time." , he quickly stood up and left after waving him with a small gesture.

Pav didn't even have time to process what just happened before the guy was gone. It was really strange and it made him feel a little sad. But he knew Hobie was probably busy and thinking about how he managed to make time for him made him feel better.
He returned home and that night, he felt his stomach hurt just by thinking of the evening spent with him, Hobie Brown.

Met by fate [A CHAIPUNK fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now