Love at first sight...?

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When Pav woke up the next day, his first thought was the guy he befriended recently. His stomach started to hurt again and his heart was beating in a different rhythm. Was he really that excited just by thinking of him? He stood up and went to get a glass of water, when he suddenly heard a knock on his door. It was Gwen. Why was she here so early, she's the type to sleep in on the weekends. Gwen, leaning on the doorframe smiled at Pav.

"Morning Pav!" , she seemed happier than usual.

"Morning, why are you here so early?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang? Just me and Miles again, you know the others, busy as always."

"I'm starting to think they are finding excuses on purpose."

Gwen let out a chuckle before letting herself in.

"Clean place. How do you do it with your aunt being away?"

"I guess I'm a clean individual, I have better manners after all." , Pav shrugged.

Just then, his phone buzzed. He usually just quickly glanced at the notification to not be rude, but as he read what it was, he turned his whole head and grabbed his phone.
It was Hobie.


srry for yesterday, I needed to deal with smth
lets meet today indian boy


He was telling him to meet that day? He even noticed he was Indian? Well, it wasn't really hard to notice, but he was still surprised. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, looking at the message. Gwen, of course, noticed it and got surprised herself. Smiling, she shifted closer to him fast.

"No way, Pav is texting the love of his life!" , she smiled, trying to peek into his phone.

"No! I'm not! It's the cool guy I was telling you about." , he tried reassuring her, that it was nothing more than just an interesting guy he met.

"So you're friends? Tell him to send a selfie, I wanna see what he looks like!"

"I-I don't know...What if he doesn't do selfies?" , Pav became much more comfortable with the other one, but was still afraid to interact sometimes.

As he was about to text back a message, that would go in the lines of 'I don't know yet, let me ask', Gwen grabbed his phone and started texting instead. Pav got scared she would write something bad, so he chased her all around the house, trying to get his phone back. She then stopped and that's when Pav finally managed to get his phone. He looked at the message she wrote and the only thing he could react with at that moment was a facepalm.


Ppls sendb a selfiee


He the realised he had to fix this.


Ppls sendb a selfiee
Sorry, that was my friend texting.😥


But not even a minute later, he got a response. In shock, he stared at the screen.

Met by fate [A CHAIPUNK fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now