After their father is killed The Locke Family decide to relocate for a fresh start. With the death of their father still weighing heavily on their minds, The Locke Siblings know it's going to be hard.
But during their coming days in Mattheson Twins...
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Kinsey sat under the table with her younger brother and sister. They could hear him he was in the kitchen, their didn't know what he was talking about and neither did they. Kinsey currently had both of her hands over the twins mouth. She could feel their hearts like hers was racing, they could only hear their dad now trying to calm Sam but he wasn't listening then there was the sound of a gun shot which made all three jump. A loud thump was heard and Kinsey knew the twins were thinking the same thing as her.
After the police had arrested Sam none of The Locke Family knew what to say it just wasn't possible that their dad was lying on the floor lifeless. They had called ambulance that had been and gone and had declared Randall as dead, they were just too late. Their mum cried, Kinsey cried, Tyler cried and The Twins held each other and cried.
After a few months they all attended their dad's funeral, many people showed up a few their mum and them didn't even know. They all came to pay their respects and to tell the family if they needed anything they were there for them. Kinsey was comforting her mum while Tyler walked over to the twins.
Bode" Is he really dead, dad?"
Tyler" Yeah, he is"
The red splotches on Tyler's face were visible that he had been crying a lot.
Billie" So he isn't going to come back"
Tyler" No, I'm sorry but think about all the memories we had, that day at the beach when he buried you two in the sand and mum told him off"
Billie" The day we built a small boat and set it for sale on the pond"
Bode" Oh yeah and the time he and Uncle Dunk took us to that amusement park"
Tyler" Yeah remember those times"
Kinsey then walks over.
Kinsey" Hey, mum's ready to go"
Tyler" Okay, come on you two"
Arriving back the house knowing their dad would no longer be in the house it seemed quiet. He had always made sure his kids had the best and no one was ever left out and many sounds lived in these walls. The twins giggling as Randall tickled them, congratulating Tyler on a new basketball move or hugging Kinsey and telling her he was proud of her. Their mum was the one who suggested they have a fresh start and move to their dad and Uncle's old house. It was called Key house.
Authors Notes Okay so this has literally taken me forever to get this right. I did actually go for a writers block patch and just not want to write at all. So I took a break and now I'm back. Hope you enjoy this!