Ray of F****** Sunshine

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Sam's POV

Scott and I were sitting eating breakfast, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened to The Locke's it's something that I would wish on my worst enemy. I looked across at Scott he was busy on his phone, his toast obviously gone cold. He had lately been looking at new camera equipment since he had lost all of it down at the sea caves, he so far hasn't found anything, everything either came from the UK or was incredibly expensive. Scott sighed and placed his phone down and then sighed again when he realised his toast was cold.

Sam" Still not found anything?"

Scott" No, I can't believe Kinsey made us lose all the film equipment, if she wasn't interested in our stupid little film as she called it why did she drag us down there"

Sam" I don't know, it was really a shitty move"

Scott lets out a frustrated sigh and set down his phone.

I get up and stand over Scott

Sam" Why don't we take something over there for them and you can talk to Kinsey about everything"

Scott" I don't know, it's just going to be awkward anyway she said she didn't care about our film"

Sam" I'm sure that's not true and you know that's it's not, she just as we know now has stuff going on, she probably, no definitely didn't mean any of it, come on"

Scott" Alright, Alright"

Ellie stood in her kitchen with her son Rufus and niece Jamie who had arrived last night, her parents had to go away for work and her grandparents were getting too old, so she had come to Matheson. All of them were making a soup for The Locke's after what had happened.

Ellie" Ready with the celery?"

Rufus" Ready"

Ellie" This was a great idea, Rufus, I think Nina and the kids are really gonna like it"

Rufus" A good meal is important after a battle"


There is a crash upstairs and all three look up at the ceiling.

Rufus" How much longer is he going to stay here? Not much longer"

Rufus" Not to break rank, but you said that two weeks ago"

Ellie" I need you to hang in there and look after Jamie, can you do that, you remember the rule, right?

Rufus" We can't let anyone know he's here"

Ellie" Jamie?"

Jamie" Of course, I won't tell anyone"

Jamie having only just arrived last night had only just caught up on the whole Lucas drama. Lucas appears in the kitchen.

Lucas" No breakfast? We're making a soup to take over to the Lockes.Figured it was the least we could do"

Jamie watched Lucas carefully out of the corner of her eye.

Lucas" Terrible what happened to them.The kid that showed up, it was the same kid that murdered Rendel, right? Talk about a dog with a bone"

Ellie"Rufus, Jamie, will you go down and see if we have another can of tomatoes, please?"

Both Jamie and Rufus headed down to the basement.

Kinsey's POV

I stood in the kitchen cleaning around the countertops and the sink, our island completely full of food from our neighbours. Tyler enters looking as tired as I felt.

The Locke Twins (1)Where stories live. Discover now