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Billie's POV

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Billie's POV

I was currently sat in between my twin brother Bode and older sister Kinsey, Tyler our older brother was in the passenger seat since he was the oldest and Mum was of course driving, I stared out of the window, we had past miles and miles of trees. I sighed even though Bode and I were excited to be in a new place. My twin then suggests we play a game.

Bode" Let's play a game"

Kinsey" Bode, no"

Billie" We can play "I Saw a Monster"


Billie" Or Serious Question?"

Mum" No Whack-A-Twins in the car"

Twins" Okay"

Billie" Serious Questions, then.Serious Question: If you had to lose one sense, what would it be?"

Kinsey" Right now, my sense of hearing"

Billie" It's a serious question, Kinsey"


Twins" Boring"

Bode then starts to kick our older brothers seat. I decide to join in.

Bode" Tyler?"

Billie" Tyler?"

Twins" Tyler!"

Tyler" One more time and G.I.Joe loses a leg"

Mum" I think that's the first thing you've said since Ohio"

Tyler" I said something in Ohio?"

Mum" Yeah.You said, "Oh look, we're in Ohio"

Tyler" Oh.I was right"

Mum" Now I have a serious question.What would you be doing right now if we were still in Seattle?"

Bode" I'd either be playing Fortnite with Stuart and Wyatt or I'd be playing Fortnite with Stuart and Chase"

Billie" I would be at the skate park with Harry and Jamie"

I had been skating since I was six, Bode tried a couple of time but he couldn't quite get the hang of it, I think he is more of gamer. Dad taught me how to skate he was always there for me at my skating competitions and now he is gone. I sigh, thinking of the last time he was here.

Mum" What would you be doing, Ty?"

Tyler" I would be on a French Club ski trip with Sarah Johnson"

Kinsey"You took Spanish"

Bode"Why isn't anyone playing for real?"

Mum"Definitely wouldn't wanna lose my sense of smell. Smell is tied to memory.When your father and I would sell a house, we'd grind up a lemon in the garbage disposal. Covers the smell of the paint. No one likes the smell of paint but everyone everyone has a good memory of a lemon, Hey, check it out. We're here"

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