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A few days later, we're driving to the Grammys. I can see how nervous Colson is. He keeps bouncing his leg and his breathing is definitely off. We are sitting in the back of a limousine.

"Colson, look at me." I say. His face snaps to face mine. "Deep breaths." I say.

"W-what if I don't win?" He asks, I hold his hand.

"Hey, it'll be alright." I say. "There's always next year. But I know you can win this."

I see his nerves go down a little but I still hold his hand. He leans his head on my shoulder and I rub circles with my thumb on the back of his hand.

When the limo parks, we both get out and go inside. We walk past flashing cameras and paparazzi's. When we get inside, we walk the red carpet and we get our picture taken together,

"Whoa, this is so cool." I say. I see multiple singers and rappers from all around the world. "This might be the coolest thing that I've ever done. Besides you, of course." I say. Colson laughs a little.

Then a guy asks to interview Colson so he goes over and does that. Then I spot Harry styles. Harley would be so jealous right now.

I walk over to Harry. "Hi! I'm um-"  Harry cuts me off.

"Kierra Baker." He says. He shakes my hand with a smile. "I love your newest album. It was absolutely spectacular." He says.

"Oh my god, thank you so much!" I say. "You know, my best friend Harley, she's absolutely in love with your music. Would you mind if I took a picture with you for her?" I ask.

"Of course!" Harry says. We take a picture.

"Thank you so much!" I say. "I think Harry's House deserves a Grammy." I say. "Good luck." I say.

"Good luck to your husband too." He says. "Oh and congratulations on the baby." He says. He smiles. Then he walks away and I send the picture to Harley.

Colson finishes his interview and then walks back over to me. "Shall we go inside?" He asks.

"We shall." I say, playing along. We walk inside and sit at our table.

We watch every celebrity go up and get their awards and I can tell that Colson is just getting more nervous by the second so I hold his hand under the table and he sends me an appreciating look.

A few minutes later, I have to pee so I go to stand up and then Colson puts his hand on my shoulder and makes me sit down. He looks worried and concerned.

"Babe, I have to pee." I say. Then he whispers in my ear.

"There's blood on the seat." He says. I go pale.

"W-what?" I ask. "A-are you sure?" I ask. Colson nods. "I gotta get to the E.R." I say. Colson nods and stands up with me, putting his hand over the bloody spot on my dress and we walk out. The guards stop us at the lobby door.

"It's a medical emergency." Colson says. The guards nod and let us out. Then my stomach starts to hurt really bad and I yell out in pain and fall to the ground on the sidewalk. Colson calls 911 and he wraps his arm around me.

"Shit!" I yell. I close my eyes in pain and hold my stomach.

Colson talks with 911 and he strokes my hair to calm me, and himself down.

"Hey, they're on their way baby, you're gonna be alright." He says in a soft comforting voice.

"I-It hurts." I say, my eyes closed as I hold my stomach.

"Hey, love, look at me." Colson says. I open my eyes as I'm in the arms of Colson Baker. "We're gonna get through this together." He says. "I love you." He says.

"I-I love you too." I say, tears falling down my face as I hear an ambulance siren.

Then the ambulance stops at the curb and then doctors put me on a stretcher. "Kierra Joder Baker?" They ask. I nod.

They load me into the ambulance and then Colson comes in and sits next to me. He holds my hand and runs his hand through my hair.

"Where are you experiencing pain?" The doctor asks.

"M-my stomach." I say. "Like a cramp."

"Is there any chance that you could be pregnant?" They ask.

"Yeah, I'm twelve weeks." I say. The doctor nods. All of the doctors are women.

Then they take my dress off and put a hospital gown on me. Then they look where the source of the bleeding is coming from. I close my eyes and hold Colson's hand.

"You're gonna be alright, Ky." Colson says.

Never Leave - Machine Gun Kelly (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now