"I love you"

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Some time later

Oliver pov

Me and Enzo had went back to normal. He was laying beside me while I was playing on the tv screen.
“Enzo? Would you ever tell anyone about me?” I asked looking at him.
“You mean on social media?” Enzo asked. I nodded. I wasn’t playing any serious game so I could talk to him at the same time.
“I could. I just wanted you to be ready for it. As its your privacy too” Enzo said softly. I looked at him and smiled moving closer to him.
“I wouldn’t mind. I would like people to know that you are mine” I said softly Enzo smiled kissing my cheek. I smiled. I stopped playing to pay attention to Enzo. We cuddled. Enzo made a post and I approved of it. He answered some fans questions. About me and him. I answered some of them that was about me. Enzo had his arm around me. I was laying really close to him. They asked for a photo of me. Enzo asked if he could post the photo he took of me blushing.
“hell no” I said taking his phone away from him in defend. Enzo laughed. I wrote that he doesn’t have any photos of me that I approve of. Enzo took back his phone and wrote that I didn’t want any photos with me blushing and that’s the only thing he has. Enzo took his phone away from my reach and went to take a selfie.
“Smile” Enzo said.
“no Enzo” I said taking my hand in front of my face.
“Come on Oliver they wanna see you” Enzo said softly.
“You look beautiful come on” Enzo said softly. I sighed.
“Fine don’t make me regret it” I said taking my hands down smiling slightly. Enzo posted the photo.
“Enzo…what do you think they will say when they realise that I am paralyzed?” I asked honest as it was a question in my mind.
“I hope it will be positive as I hope my fans are good people. But if they aren’t don’t take it in. Rhey would never be able to change my love for you. And I will set them straight if they do” Enzo said softly.
“I appreciate that” I said softly hugging his arm. The love part made my heart warm up.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go on a little car trip in the weekend that’s coming? As I have free for 3 whole days. We could rent a van with a glass roof and place for a mattress in the back? It could be really fun and enjoyable for us. We could drive through forest and go to a beach that’s not crowded, what do you think?” Enzo asked softly. I smiled.
“I actually like that idea” I said softly.
“I like that you know what I want. We could look at the stars at night. I love the idea” I said softly. Enzo smiled.
“Of course I know babe” Enzo said calling me babe made my heart melt a little.
“Okay then we will do it” I said softly already imagining it.
I was thinking about the car trip.
“Do you ever think about moving out from your mom?” Enzo suddenly asked. He seemed a little nervous to ask. But I didn’t mind as it was a fair question.
“I just can’t take care of my self. So it never seemed like a possibility. But if..you know you would live with me. It wouldn’t be a problem” I said as I guess this was where he was going anyways if he asked that.
“Of course. I would like that. Having you for my self all the time” Enzo said suspiciously as it sounded like he would take control of my life. But I know he is just joking. I know mom will be able to see me any time I want.
“I have an apartment you could move in to. But I feel like you deserve to be able to look outside so I was thinking of getting an apartment with a balcony so you can look outside at the sky or birds. We could get some plants and maybe an animal? If you like that. As I think it could be perfect for you when I am not around” Enzo said softly.
“I like that. I could probably get a service dog maybe? As then it could help me with stuff when you are not around” I said kinds getting excited and imagining it.
“I like that. We will see what will happen” Enzo said softly. I smiled. Enzo went on his phone with me and looked around at buildings that may fit to what we want. We just had to make sure it had an escalator and a ramp outside if needed. Most of the building were tall so they at least had escalators.
We found some good ones. We started doing research about the area if it fit for us. We agreed on an apartment after some looking. I relaxed in Enzo’s arms and let my self fall sleep. Enzo kept going on his phone taking a photo for him self of me sleeping. He zoomed in on me in the photo he took of us. He took that on one of his background on his phone. He kept the blush photo of me as his locked screen.

Next day

Enzo was gone playing soccer. I had the pc on Enzo playing soccer. I was playing on the TV screen. I went to get the water on the table. It was long away from me. I tried to reach it. I leaned over to the counter. It was stupid but I didn’t realise that before I leaned to far and my body started to fall. And its not like I could stop my self as my legs dosent work. And I litreally have no control of them so I just fell, and of course I hit my head on the counter. I hit the ground. I groaned in pain. I turned slightly. My head was pounding. I opened my eyes a little. The position I was in felt uncomfortable I tried to move my legs to let me turn but I wasn’t able to so I just had to lay on my stomach. I groaned again just wanting someone to help me. I didn’t have my phone on me. It was laying on the bed.
I felt something on my forehead. I touched it and flinched it hurt. I looked at my hand. It had some blood. It didn’t look horrible, but it didn’t help. I laid there desperate for someone to come. I think I laid there for an hour. I heard Enzo game play to they said it was over. I felt some hope knowing he will come home now. But sometime still passed as he had to change and come over.
When I heard his voice I felt happy, but I was out of it tho as it wasn’t really fun for me to lay on the ground with my head pounding.
“I am back” Enzo said happy clearly not knowing.
“En..Enzo” I said desperate. I heard some steps to he saw me and came fast to me.
“What happened?” Enzo asked worried turning me carefully around. He touched my forehead carefully.
“I leaned to far..I am sorry” I said as he carefully made me sit.
“Does your head hurt?” Enzo asked taking me up to place me on the bed.
“Yeah” I said as he put me down. He got a medkit and cleaned my wound. He put a bandage on before taking me up again.
“We are going to a hospital so you can get checked” Enzo said taking me to his car.
“You will have to stay in car for sometime if you need the wheelchair?” Enzo asked.
“I can carry you around” Enzo said placing me down in the car.
“Okay I don’t really wanna move around and use energy in my wheelchair” I said. Enzo nodded and kissed my forehead. He put my seat belt on and closed the door. He went in the driver seat and he drove us to the hospital.
“I think a server dog would be great for you” Enzo said honestly not liking that I could hurt my self when he is not around.
“How long were you laying there?” Enzo asked concerned.
“I think over an hour” I said sad knowing it hurts Enzo to hear. We got to the hospital and Enzo carried me. I tried to just focus on Enzo and not look at the people who were looking at me. Enzo sat me down at one point when we waited for a doctor. Enzo held my hand knowing I was probably stressed. I held his hand pretty hard.
After some minutes the doctor said my name. Enzo took me up and carried me in to the doctors room. Enzo held my hand while he explained to the doctor that I am paralyzed and that I hit my head on a counter so we just wanna make sure I didn’t get a concussion. The doctor started checking me. She said I had a small concoction. I got some pain medication and Enzo would have to watch me some just to make sure I am okay.
Enzo carried me back to the car and we drove home. Enzo placed me down on my bed. He sat down beside me. I leaned on him. Enzo took his arm around me.
I do feel like I miss out on a lot, but I feel better now as Enzo is with me making my life more live able. He is such a light in my life. Making very things seem a little less hard to do.
I looked over at Enzo. Enzo smiled at me. I want a kiss before I try and rest. I was to lazy and tried to get up and kiss him. So I asked him to kiss me. Or told him to.
“kiss me.” I said. Enzo smiled of my cuteness. He got up and went over me. He did as I wanted and kissed me. Enzo warm soft lips touched mine. It was slow, but not boring. It was soft and warm. I wish I could feel more of the pleasure. But why put my mind on something I cant change.
Enzo let go of my lips and he kissed my nose. He smiled. I felt my heart melt. I always love when he smiles. It’s like my heart jumps over a beat.
He laid down with me again. He hugged me softly. I felt warm and safe. I closed my eyes. My mind was empty just love in front of me. I fell asleep in Enzo’s arms.

After 3 days

Enzo surprised me with the van he ranted. We packed our stuff and mom helped us get everything ready. I was so ready for an awesome road advantager. Enzo put me in the passenger seat. When we were ready I said goodbye to mom and she hugged me before I left with Enzo. We did a little ride before we stopped to buy some food. Enzo bought me ice cream. I ate it while we started driving again.
We didn’t stop before Enzo got us to a spot he had planed out for us to stop the van at. A beautiful view out of the forest. Enzo parked so we could look out of the back doors of van and right out to the forest. We planned to keep the van's back doors open while we would lay there and cuddle. Enzo came to my side and carried me in the back of the van. I laid down with my head on the pillow.
Enzo fixed stuff outside. I asked Enzo to sit me up when he started to make food. I watched him make delicious food. He sat down with me in the van then we ate. I leaned on Enzo. When I was done eating I leaned my head fully on his neck. Enzo cleaned after us and then leaned in with me. I love the warmth Enzo gives me when he holds me. It feels so sweet and beautiful. We stayed like that for a long time.
After some time it got dark and then the stars came. So beautiful. Me and enzo laid on our backs looking up at the stars. We were holding hands staying close to each other. I feel so happy. I really love my life now. With Enzo who loves me. And I love him. Enzo kissed my cheek while I looked at the stars.
“I love you Oliver” Enzo said softly.
“I love you too” I said softly.
We kept going on the beautiful vacation for some days. We went to the beach and I got to touch the sand for my first time. I got to go in the ocean with Enzo caring me. I got to feel the waves touch my hands. It felt magical. We watched the waves. Enzo got me a beautiful scale from the ocean. He got it for me so it could remind me of the vacation. We drove some more and we ended up at home after some more days. We took a longer trip then we actually planed. We loved it so much.
Enzo bought the apartment and we moved in. We went and looked at the dogs and I fell in love with a black golden retriever. It was trained and ready to help me when Enzo isn’t around. We both love the cute dog.
After some weeks it was Enzo’s birthday and I wanted to do something he maybe wouldn’t forget. So I got up my nerves and got my mom to drive me to see Enzo play soccer. He was playing on his birthday. I had bough a seat close to the edge of the tribune so maybe Enzo could see me. I tried to not focus on all the eyes I felt on me while I moved to where I was gonna seat. I tried to pretend to my self that it wasn’t bad. I did that from the time I started planing this birthday suprice. I think it is kinda working.
I watched Enzo walk out waving to the audience. My heart was beating so fast. I was holding my mom’s hand for dear life. As inside I was screaming. It felt like forever to Enzo’s eyes ended up on mine and he stopped moving and just looked at me. And then the most beautiful smile came on his face. Just how I hoped. It made my heart skip a beat. And he ran. Ran towards me. I took a deep breath as he came closer and closer. He came to where I sat and looked up at me from the grass.
“Hi Oliver” Enzo said softly still keeping the beautiful smile. He stretched his hand for me and I got to touch his hand before he had to leave. He waved to me and made a wavy kiss. I blushed. I looked away after a long time at just staring at Enzo to see my mom with the biggest smile. It didn’t help with the embarrassment. But..I actually didn’t think about the people anymore. It was like Enzo was my only focus. He kept smiling at me in between.
After he was done playing to my surprise he jumped up the tribune and climbed over the fence to me. I blushed as he came over to me.
“Oliver I am so proud of you” Enzo said hugging me tight. I hugged him back. I could feel the fabric on his soccer shirt. So different from a normal shirt. Enzo went away and smiled at me.
“This is the best surprise ever Oliver” Enzo said taking his hand through my hair like nobody was watching.
“E-Enzo” I said kinda desperate as he wasn’t really realising that people were looking.
“Okay Oliver we can leave, but you will have to work with my smelly smell” Enzo said teasingly and walked with me back to mom’s car. He washed him self when he came home. He kept telling me how proud he is of me. It really felt good anyways of how scary it felt at the moment. It felt like I got rid of a big weight on my shoulders.

Thank you so much for reading<3

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