We laugh and smile, constantly
and use way too much irony
We flirt
Knowing that one of us will get hurt
It's probably me, someday
I know you are not going to stay anyway.
my mind is a mess and you will run away
no matter how hard I try to hideYou will run away like everyone
and I'm so done with being left alone
and thats why I just can't trust anyoneI'm done with people who leave
Right now, I think love is something I will never truly recieve
Why should I?
I'm influenced by a constant state of tiredness and will always be a mess.
PoetryEin paar meiner gesammelten Gedichte, Poetryslams und poetischen Gedankenergüsse. Im Großen und Ganzen der verzweifelte Versuch, meine Gefühle in Worte zu fassen.