20. love

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joão woke up at nine in the morning, leaving the bed and going over to the bathroom to take a shower.

i stayed in bed, looking through my phone. there was a message from clara, apologizing and also explaining what joão had explained before.

i felt bad for her, she didn't know it was so bad but i couldn't help but also feel sick.

i looked through joão's instagram page, all the girls in his comment section flirting with him and telling him to dm them.

i knew joão wouldn't do that, i trust him more than i trust myself. but i wished they would disappear, i wished they knew that i was with him.

joão came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, making me look at him. he smiled at me before turning around and walking over to his closet.

he took a bunch of clothes, walking back to the bathroom. a couple of minutes later, he came out wearing shorts and a shirt. his hair was still wet, i liked him with wet hair.

i walked over to him, hugging him from behind. he smiled, "i'll see you when i come back." he spoke, quietly before turning to face me.

"go back to bed, you should sleep more." he said, caressing my face. i nodded, tiptoeing slightly to put my lips on his.

he picked me up, kissing me back before twirling me. i laughed, pulling away. he put me down, walking away to get his bag.

i followed him, waving goodbye as he turned around before leaving.

i closed the door after him and jumped onto bed with a smile on my face. my phone buzzed, making me pick it up.

"i miss you already ❤️" i smiled at his text message, taking a picture of myself making a kiss face before sending it to him and turning off my phone.

"why so cute? 😐" my phone buzzed once again. i chuckled at his message, "send me a picture!"

he sent me a picture of him doing the peace sign with andre. i texted him a red heart before turning off my phone again and going to sleep.

i ended up sleeping in until i heard a knock at the door, i checked the time.. it was two o'clock.

i stressed before getting up and running over to the door. i opened up the door, revealing joão.

"you're still asleep?" he asked, chuckling. i nodded, yawning. he wrapped his arms around my waist, pecking my cheek before walking into the room.

"i'm gonna go take a quick shower, get ready so we can go out for dinner." he said before walking into the bathroom. "wait no, i need to shower." i said, holding his hand.

"do you want to shower together? it will be better for.. others." he said, smirking. "can we?" i asked.

"wait, actually?" he asked, widening his eyes. i nodded, stretching again. "okay." he said, hiding back his smile.

"do you have a dinner reservation?" i asked, looking at him. he nodded, confused. "then don't try to do something in the shower, we can't be late." i said, alarming him.

he put his hands up, nodding. "damn it, i forgot my hairbrush." i said, groaning.

he walked out of the bathroom to get it so i locked the door in his face. "open the door! this is unfair." he complained.

"you can wait your turn, félix." i said, holding back my laughter. i can't believe this shit worked.

after getting out of the shower, i saw joão staring at me with deadly eyes. i walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"i'm sorry." i said, holding back my smile. he pretended to be upset with me, looking away.

COINCIDENCE - JOÃO FÉLIXWhere stories live. Discover now