Chapter 1

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Breaking Dawn Twist

Chapter 1

Bella's POV


"No, Edward... Don't!"

I started crawling off the bed, when strong arms wrapped around my waist, holding me back.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, his voiced filled with pain.

"Going for a walk" i hissed through my teeth.

He didn't let go.

"Edward, Dont!" I yelled at him.

He let go automaticly.

I stalked off into the bathroom, grabbing a bathing suit and a pair of shorts with me.

No one else was on the island, so i was safe to wear whatever i wanted, and besides im only going for a walk! No one is ever going to see me.

I looked in the mirror for a few seconds, shocked

I was covered in feathers.

I realzed under the feathers, were patches of bruses.

I gasped.

What happened to me?

I started shaking off the feathers on my body, and in my hair.

It hurt a little when i moved.

I threw on my cloths, and stalked out of the bathroom to the front door.

I didnt even bother putting on shoes, i just walked out the door.

Isle Esme was beautiful!

I heard the birds singing away, the water splashing from the animals, it was pure amazement.

I walked off along the beach, to a huge cliff.

I froze.

Maybe i should go back? But i cant stand to argue with Edward anymore! He could leave me again! He promised he wouldnt, but i cant be to sure anymore. Last night was the best night of my entire life, i dont know why hes all upset....maybe i wasnt good enough for him? Maybe he'd be better off with another vampire... Someone of his kind. Someone who can give him what i cant.

Tears started falling down my face.

He loves me.

He said I do.

Hes mine forever!

Without thinking, i started climbing the cliff.

If only Edward could read my mind.

He'd know how i feel.

I was perfectly happy! Until he had to ruin it.

Or maybe he was trying to let me off easy? I wasnt good enough.

He doesnt want me. He doesnt love me.

I washed away he thought.

It hurt to imagen.

A life...without...Edward, is no life at all.

I was just useing Jacob.

He made me feel better everytime i saw him.

I love him.

Hes my bestfriend.

Hes my personal sun.

He healed my wounds when he left.

And i will never forget what he did.

I finally made it to the top.

It was like the cliff i....jumped off of in La Push.

But the water, looked inviting, and warm. Shining in the beautiful sun.

I sat near the edge, with my feet over it.

Edward loves me. He loves me! He said he did! He married me!

My thoughts turned to Jacob Black.

My werewolf bestfriend.

I love him in the wrong way.

Not as much as Edward, but i still love him!

If i were human, and never met Edward, i would of ended up with him.

He was my love in the real world.

But were not in the real world, and something overpowered his love.

He was my sun, and Edward was my Eclipse.

But i couldnt just run back to Jacob if he...if he...left again,

I winched at the thought.

I was so in tune with my thoughts, that i didnt hear Edward call my name.

"Bella?" I heard my angel call in the distances.

It cant be him.

I must be hearing things.

"Bella, love?" I heard him call again, but this time it was closer.

I got up from the edge.

"Edward!" yelled.

A few seconds later, i saw Edward walking slowly to me.

I got up off the ground, and started standing up when i hit my head off something hard.

I felt dizzy.

Next thing i knew, i was fallng off the cliff.

"Bella!" Edward yelled.

And than i passed out.

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