Chapter 5

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Breaking Dawn Twist

Chapter 5

Bella's POV


It felt like I was flying, running at vampire speed was terrifiing, but also fun. I was afraid we'd hit a tree and it would knock down, but Jane was fast, she dodged the trees like it was no effort at all.

My body and mind felt werid, I felt like I was loosing something big, someone big... Edward. Its the most horrible pain i've ever felt, but yet I feel as if I have felt it before, but where?

I heard running behind us, but I couldnt look behind to see who it was. Except, apart of me already knew who it was, who would always come after me, Edward.

He just wouldnt give up would he? He would always come for me where ever I went, was it love? Or was it something else... something bad, dangerous.

Jane suddenly stopped and flipped me off her back. "Stay back." She warned me.

I moved close to a tree, watching. Edward was running towards Jane while she just stood there, waiting for him, smiling.

Why wasnt she doing anything? Just standing there wasnt going to help.

They were a few feet from each other when Edward suddenly fell to the ground, back ached, as soon as he hit the ground, I felt it.

Pain spread through my body, into my veins. I tried to hold onto the tree for support, but I couldnt. I fell to the ground, gasping for air.

Whatever Jane was doing to Edward, was happening to me.

"J-Jane! S-Stop!!" I yelled to her, now on the ground crouched, trying to hold myself together.

I tried not to scream, but the pain was unbearable. This was the second worse pain i've felt, aside from the pain of loosing Edward, but I tried to ignore that, with my best effort.

The pain stopped, and I could breath again. It was a few seconds later when I felt the same sick feeling in my gutt in the bathroom of the Cullen's house, I bent over and started vomiting sickly on the ground.

I felt horrible, so horrible. Sickness was one thing I surely hated now... I never wanted to feel it again, but I knew that wasnt going to happen.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Bella?" It was Jane.

Once I was finished I looked up, Jane was in front of me with two other men behind her, holding Edward. He was staring at me, his eyes full of concern.

"Let me check her, to make sure she's alright." He was looking directly at me, I found myself drawn, I couldnt stop staring at him either. Our eyes locked.

No one said anything, no one moved, it was all quiet.

"Let me check her!" He demanded.

The two men let go of him, and he walked slowly towards me, while I watched him carefully.

He bent down to my level and picked me up, Jane and the two men stepped forward, I held a hand out to them; His eyes never left mine, as mine never left his.

He was just concerned for me, he didnt mean any trouble, I hoped...

And then we were running into the forest, as fast as lightning. Edward was even faster than Jane, impossible! How? Wouldn't all vampires run at the same speed? I guess not.

We were running for a few minutes until I heard noises behind us, Jane and the two men were chucking tree branches and rocks at us, which Edward dodged easily.

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