Chapter 4

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~~~~~~~~~ WARNING~~~~~~~~~~~

You guys... MIGHT hate me after this chapter, but thats why its called BREAKING DAWN TWIST!! HAS A BUNCH OF TWISTS!!!

I have started to work on chapters, and then post them so im ready to instead of doing it at the time of posting...

I make no sense right now... XD

@amiescheepers!!! IF YOU READ THIS YOU ARE DEAD!! We need to have... a little chat... with my knives... ;P So if you read this, which I hope you do cause im dedicating it to you, MESSAGE ME! On FACEBOOK or here... I dont care, but we NEED TO TALK!!!!

Anyways, hope you like it! If not.. I dont really care :P

If your confused and need me to answer any questions you may have, leave a comment and im sure to answer it when I got time~!

If you want me to read your story, which I have posted on my front page, leave me a comment or message me! I will do it when I have time... I love to read!

I read so much the librarian at my school calls me her "Reader" Whenever she sees me shes like "Theres my reader!" Its embarassing, but shes nice. She says ive read over 300 books, but I didnt believe her.... I do read alot, bring 1-10 books home a day... depends... usually bring 2 or 3 thou!

anyways I wont keep you waiting!


Breaking Dawn Twist

Chapter 4

Bella's POV


Carlisle had hooked me up to some machines to see if I was actually getting my memories back, I was, and everyone was so happy! Carlisle told Edward to bring me places where I've been to alot, to try and get my memories back quicker, it didnt work.

We visited Forks High, our old high school until we graduated. We seen Charlie but not that long, he had to go to work. Hes the cheif of police here in Fork, but we seen him on and off for the past two weeks, as he requested; This afternoon Edward was taking me to the Meadow, a place where we sure went alot.

This was something I was looking forward too, its all Edward talks about. Taking me to the Meadow, spending time in the Meadow, what was so special about it? I guess I was going to find out soon.

"Bella?" Alice called from the hallway.

I was in the bathroom, I wasnt feeling well, I dont know why, maybe it was the food I ate? I trusted the Cullen's well enough to know they wouldnt hurt me in anyway, give me bad food... it wasnt like them, was it?

"Alice." I groaned. "Go away!"

I felt horrible, and I knew what was coming next, I could feel it.

I put my hand over my mouth, and rushed quickly towards the toliet. "Bella!" Alice growled. "If you dont open this door now, im coming in!" She ordered.

I couldnt move an inch, just stayed glued to the toliet, vomiting sickly into it.

I heard the door open, and shut. "Bella!" Alice's voice was suprised, she rushed to my side, and held my hair back. "Oh, Bella!" She whispered softly.

I couldnt think straight, all I could think about was what I ate, maybe it was bad? Why else would I be throwing up? I wasnt sick, I would know that for sure... maybe I just ate too much?

The sickness passed after a few minutes, and I moved away from the toliet, looking at Alice. "Why am I throwing up?" I couldnt help but ask, I had no clue why I was in the first place!

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